[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LnJC0x3.png[/img][/center] [color=BA55D3][i]My name is Nora Norwich, and I'm the hottest-- Well, no, that isn't true. Nora Norwich is not my given name, rather a name I've given myself. It was my father's idea. To help protect me from the many enemies he had made over the centuries. That's right. Centuries. He warned me after my powers manifested that I would be a magnet for miscreants, delinquents, and villains. Be they mortal... or something else. And, in Gotham there are plenty. One night while walking home with my mother we were attacked. I lost control of my powers... and my mother. Gotham's Dark Knight would swoop down afterwards and temporarily take me in. He convinced me to attend the Corrigan School of Advanced Learning and Development. So here I am. In Star City attending a school with other gifted teens in the hope that I learn to control my abilities.[/i][/color] [hr] The bell rung ending English class for the day. As with the other students Nora collected her books and placed them in her book bag. Slinging her bag over her shoulder the fifteen year old stood from her seat to leave the classroom flashing her Mr. Duncan a smile before exiting. Her [url=http://media2.kohlsimg.com/is/image/kohls/2082890?wid=240&hei=240&op_sharpen=1]purple Chuck Taylors[/url] made no sound as she walked the halls of the Quadrangle. The school's Academic Quadrangle was the largest building that she had been inside of to date. Nora ran her slender fingers through her long ginger locks. As she walked the high split sides of her [url=http://g03.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1buCAIpXXXXc3XXXXq6xXFXXX3/poleras-de-mujer-moda-2015-sexy-tops-for-women-high-side-slit-shirt-junior-boyfriend-tshirts.jpg]black boyfriend t-shirt[/url] with the word 'love' in white lettering cascading down the front six times sashayed over her torn blue jeans. Already the butterflies were doing a number on her tummy. Nora had an A.R.C. (Augmented Reality Center) session next. It was made her anxious to have use her pyrokinetic abilities around others. Nora hadn't joined the school for hero training like all the others she had met here. She had come to learn to control her abilities so she wouldn't be a danger to herself and especially to others. Before, during and after class quite a few students were talking about an incident that happen outside. Different versions of the story had it taking place within the courtyard. A few actually referred to it as 'the Kyle Incident'. Apparently a younger student, named Kyle if rumors were true, lost control of his abilities and ended up injuring a classmate. If that weren't bad enough the Kryptonian and Martian got involved, yet stories differed on the details. That was Nora's biggest fear. To be the cause of another person getting injured -or worse- because she didn't have the self-restraint and mastery over her own power. She wished she could have more one-on-one training before having to face off with and against her classmates. The biggest fight Nora had ever gotten was at a photoshoot for the local Denim & Denim store in Gotham when she was twelve. Nora ended up pulling the hair extensions from a blonde girl's head after being called a "redheaded booby head" over and over and over and over again. Nora wished her father was here. Of course, wherever her father went her 'uncle' would eventually appear as well. Nora shook her head. A big bad demon probably would not be very welcome in Corrigan.