[h3][center][i]Etsuko Tanaka // Capitol of Barcea[/i][/center][/h3] The fortune teller simply followed along with the large party she seemed to find herself a part of. Every once in a while, she’d glance at Calypso, who seemed absolutely pleased to be riding on Sir Mauls. She’d never think that her companion enjoyed the company of large creatures, but then again, nothing in their travels ever suggested as much. The dismount was something mechanical, walking much the same. Nothing had quite set in yet. She had barely looked up until they had reached the throne room and the Queen of Barcea addressed the weary travelers. Her voice led Etsuko to look up and the fortune teller was in awe. She’d heard stories of the Queen’s beauty and grace, though seeing it for the first time was certainly something special. Etsuko felt as if she had been staring and had to look away a moment, embarrassed. The room seemed to remain silent, no one willing to tell their tale first. Shyly, Etsuko looked back up and wondered if her voice would fail her. [b]”U-Um, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty. I’m Etsuko Tanaka, a fortune teller from Barcea. O-Oh, this is my companion, Calypso.”[/b] She gestured towards the taller young woman with a perpetual smile on her face. [b]”We were traveling to the village that was attacked. The village elder had asked for me and then Sentinels were going in the same direction, so we tagged along. Er, I was with Princess Ayano while Calypso followed the Prince and the others into the village.”[/b] She didn’t bother voicing her regret for not appearing to the elder sooner, to reading their future sooner. It was evident from her facial expression that she felt that much.