[center][h2]Inside Seven Hill[/h2][/center] There was a large commotion in the plaza as many Adventurers from around Seven Hill converged to see the new Mission Board. The idea itself was originally suggested by Charlotte at some point in passing, but was quickly picked up and pushed forward by Renee in an attempt to bring new life and purpose to Seven Hill. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to do as far as missions went - most of the Adventurers had lost their drive, and it made it somewhat difficult to find people who actually needed anything to be done, since there wasn't anything to be done in the world. Still, the concept was nice, and even some Landers had decided to take a look at the board, in addition to gawking at the Adventurers that surrounded it. Many of the Landers were also intrigued by one for the Adventurers leading a miniature parade, playing with the children. It definitely reassured them - the Adventurers didn't seem that bad at all. With all the commotion and attention directed at the plaza, the outskirts of Seven Hill contrasted it. Where the plaza was loud and full of life, the outskirts of Seven Hill were tranquil and quiet - there was hardly anyone there. Perhaps that was a good thing, as it gave room for a single person to reach the plaza that much quicker. [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1531/66a00f38c90e40e7da3350b60f56fe3908ae5ed8.jpg?1603734]A small figure[/url] dashed through the entrance gates of Seven Hill, passing an armoured man who appeared to be standing vigilantly for something. The small figure would have passed through, appearing as a blur... if they hadn't managed to trip on their own feet as they ran, hitting the ground with a thud. [colour=DAA520][b]"Ow..."[/b][/colour] The figure whimpered from the ground. This small figure was none other than Copper, the Fox Tail Assassin-Courier of . He was known for his specialized build which involved achieving unnecessarily high amounts of movement speed. It had little place in actual combat, but it was well suited for running around and delivering messages as his subclass did. It was also a fairly good build against monsters; after all, they can't kill you if they can't catch you. Unfortunately, it had become much more difficult to control his high movement speed post-catastrophe, and Copper was constantly tripping himself up, unable to handle his extreme speed like he would've been able to when Elder Tale was still a game. Copper quickly rebounded from his fall, jumping back up onto his feet before setting off toward the plaza again. He even managed to leave a dust trail in his wake - another testament to how fast he actually moved. This time, his path went uninterrupted, and he only stopped when he had reached the most populated area at the moment - the plaza. [colour=DAA520][b]"Guys! Guys! GUYS!"[/b][/colour] Copper shouted, getting progressively louder with each word. Somehow, he was louder than the Adventurer crowd, and most of them had quietened down. This was actually commonplace - people did tend to listen when Copper was speaking. He was Seven Hills (only) herald, after all. [colour=DAA520][b]"We're being attacked! We're being attacked! Monster Legions are coming for us!"[/b][/colour] With the utterance of Monster Legions, the Adventurer and Lander crowd was sent into a combination of commotion and confusion. Legion rank monsters didn't appear together. Did they mishear him? [colour=DAA520][b]"It's vampires! Vampires! They're coming to Seven Hill!"[/b][/colour] If there was confusion before, then what came next couldn't even be described as such. Vampires were nocturnal. They only appeared during the night phase of Elder Tale; not to mention the fact that they were extremely uncommon even as Normal rank monsters, let alone Legion rank. Copper could visivbly see the collective disbelief of the public, but remained adamant of his claim. [colour=DAA520][b]"I saw it! If you don't believe me, then I'll show you!"[/b][/colour] With that, Copper began his mad dash towards the gate from which he entered. Many of the Adventurers in the plaza followed him, while most of the Landers remained where they were, huddled in their social circles and groups, whispering about the claims Copper had just made. Meanwhile, the Adventurers that did follow him would quickly be led to the gate which Copper entered from. [hr][center][h2]At the entrance...[/h2][/center] Off in the horizon, one could see the green of the grass touched Elder Tale's blue sky. Of course, nobody was focused on the artistic beauty of Elder Tale's landscape at this very moment. They were focused on what could be seen on the horizon. True to Copper's claim, there were shapes on the horizon. Ghoulish visages of death tamed the overgrown fields. There were hundreds of figures logged upon the horizon. Trees around them began to rot. What trees did survive the deadly miasma were smashed down by gigantic figures of mutation and flesh. The larger ones seemed to be uncaring of the smaller figures, even to the point where the little ones were being crushed. They were hell bent on tearing the place up. The groups of Kings monitoring the perimeter of Seven Hill had returned to their guildhouse, looking to report the new-found danger and seek the guidance of their leader. The figures advanced slowly, but what little groups couldn't manage to escape were easily crushed by overwhelming numbers. The figures managed to surround the forest, but even their miasma couldn't fully penetrate the thick woods. They were stuck, but were still cutting through. Though, why an extremely group of ghoulish figures was attacking was unknown. For the most part, they had been a simple buffer in a nearby raid. It appeared that for such a large attack, they would have had to be controlled by someone, or even, something. [hr][center][h2]Back in the plaza...[/h2][/center] The plaza had become near empty without the presence of Adventurers. Most of them had followed Copper. Only a few Adventurers remained, in addition to some Landers who were worried, and were seeking reassurance from each other. None of them would notice the three Adventurers stood atop one of the many tree-covered buildings. [b][color=a2d39c]"So [i]cool![/i] Let's hurry up and do what we came here for already and make him [i]proud[/i]."[/color] [color=8882be]"...Okay."[/color] [color=gray]"..."[/color][/b]