Funny you mention that. In MoH, I remember that was the "Western" look, while the Russians had a really sort of Eastern-Bloc look, a different ballistic mask in particular. It wouldn't be a constantly-on thing, I would want it to be only employed on occasions where it made practical sense. Same goes for CBRN stuff- I know that Mono and Big's characters are both pretty heavy on that stuff, and it's even a part of their fatigues in some way, with it being sterilized and CBRN-ready. I will say it actually in the same context as the bulking-up- they'll only be using it where it makes practical sense to do so, where it may be that they need a dedicated supply of CBRN is required and it so happens that they've got full combat fatigues beyond their regular cleansed and neutered gear that are capable of that.