The Sheikah youth looked about at his surroundings, confident at this time that all those who would arrive had arrived, and all those who would leave had left. An extended silence passed over the remaining sentients in the guild hall. Maybe they were waiting on something. Maybe they were merely sizing each other up. The uncomfortable stillness in the air amid people staring at each other was tangible. Without drawing much attention to himself, the knife-covered kid buckled closed his long brown coat and produced a secure looking case. Opening the case, he withdrew an exquisitely crafted violin, set it to his chin, and drew a matching bow across its strings. Sweet, soulful notes flew from the instrument, but only a few. It was the first handful of notes from the song associated with the old Legend of the Princess Zelda, played in a manner inspiring hope, the same way it was said to have been played when the Hero of Time was still a Hero. With the first few notes still heavy in the air, the musician paused, bright red eyes twinkling above a cheerful smile. He looked expectantly at the others he noticed carrying musical instruments, and repeated the first notes of the song. In turn, he locked eyes with his potential bandmates. Again, slowly, deliberately - he drew his bow across his violin, producing the same epic notes, hoping his new comrades would catch on. Music always seemed to bring people together back home, he hoped it would here as well. [hider=Song] [youtube][/youtube] So it's not a violin. Sue me. [/hider]