The world is a mysterious place. The world is not safe. The world is full of monsters. It is the year 1726, 200 years after the discovery of the new world. European hegemony dominates the planet, and nearly all warfare encircles these nations. But at home, average people still live in fear. Fear for their safety, not from other people, but from the beasts lurking in the shadows. Fear of the supposedly friendly but unnatural creatures living in their own, independent nations. Dragons scour the lands above Europe and China, goblins frequent raids down from the Urals across Eastern Europe, the Werewolf clans of the Appalachian mountains torment the British colonies. But these are national issues. Towns of every continent are plagued by other, small nightmares. Dreamsnatchers and witches, necromancers and poltergeists. How can you sleep at night if you fear monsters will smash down your door and take your children? But there are a few who fight. Some are ex-soldiers, who have now trained to combat the darkness. Others are regular townsmen who have had more than their fair share of run-ins with demons and horrors. But by far the largest group is the Knighthood. A global "organization" of men (and a few women) trained to defend their towns and cities from the monstrosities of the night. While not a very well maintained organization, Knights take on apprentices, much like any other profession, and they are paid to solve problems. Often, they are nomadic, and wander the countryside looking for work. Many are hailed as heroes, but they often bring a rumor of death and destruction with them, as it isn't easy or safe to slay a beast. [hr] This is very vaugely based on a book I read when i was younger, which I for the life of me can't remember the name of. Also, I think this is similar to Witcher, I game i've never played. I'm still not sure whether I'd want it global or Europe-only or American Frontier yet, that could be up to the group. What does everyone think?