The quardians saw another prophecy and proceeded to tell the guardians. He told the guardians that a certain someone would be returning (Nekron) and that only the six would be able to stop him. So the guardians decided to believe the leader of the red lantern corps and send one of each ring minus the white, black and orange rings on Oa and programmed them to a specific date. But they were stolen, an entity possessing an orange power ring stole them (the guy who takes our main characters). He got the rings back to earth but then Larfleeze tracks him down and he loses the ring but hides and keeps the box. The box one day clicks open and the rings fly out with out Alex Trainer knowing. Okay so basicly my main idea was what if teenagers got the rings, who would save the world who would destroy it. It's still the same thing, our rings won't take us to Oa or any other place that the rings are from. Though Alpha lanterns might be showing up, along with Cyborg superman. rules: 1.Only one of each color 2.obey me and my co-gm Krien 3. Know a little about the ring you choose if needed you can ask us or I can link you the Wiki page 4. Our rings will reveal the powers they posses over time so you won't be able to time travel, create worm holes right away. 5. have fun 6. relationships are fine just fade to black or what ever 7. normal RPG rules apply here ring color's red (rage): Taken by Krien Indigo (compassion): Taken by Automaton Blue (hope): Taken by Arowne Green (will): Taken by ZeroFighter yellow (fear): Taken by Alexjits pink (love) : Taken by BladeKern. Cs: Name: Age: Apperance: uniform: ring color: Normal: bio: personality: other: My cs will be up later Okay so i've been thinking, i'll send a link to a wiki page about ethe ring you choose. I do this mainly because the rage and love rings sometimes people get confused and things happen when a characters dies because he was sprayed with napalm puke and then people get angrey I get in trouble. Expect your links later today or tommorow.