Tommy Brown was not in a good mood that morning. Because it was his first day, he decided to arrive on time, he’d heard that things like that were important here. In his hometown, teachers usually were satisfied when people his age showed up at all. He didn’t listen to much of what Ozpin said, all he got out of it was that he was supposed to meet people and find a piece of something. The wait was long and dull, but he did like how they were taking the phrase cannon fodder literally by firing the recruits onto the battlefield. He was one of the first launched, and it came to him more as a relief than a surprise. He flew through the air and thought for a moment about how long it’d been since he’d visited a forest this large and verdant. That thought left him when he realized that the assholes in charge expected him to find his own way of landing safely. Tommy didn’t know much about fancy aerial maneuvers or anything of the sort, so he just tried hitting the limbs of trees with his body. That slowed him down, but he still needed something to actually stop him before he hit the ground. Tommy grabbed his knife and planted it in the trunk of a tree as he passed by, holding onto the handle tight. The jolt was substantial but it did the trick in slowing him down. He still lost his grip and took a tumble into the dirt, but it was nothing he couldn’t endure. Tommy got up with bothering to clear off the stains, the color matched his clothes. He retrieved his knife and reattached it before exploring the rest of the forest, not caring about where he was going. Whatever he had to do, he knew it involved fighting something, and he was always ready for that.