Silver stood by his ladies door like a good butler would and ironically this was his way of gaining experience with his subclass. However their was yelling that Silver could hear in the distance and he could hear it pretty clearly so whoever was yelling must have had a subclass of hearing the words legionnaires and vampires made Silver shiver but it wasn't of fear it was excitement! He was a and as such Silver wasn't going to be on the front lines often and hearing these words meant that their was a horde of enemies going to come to him. As much as he didn't want to leave his mistress unattended going and attack the horde before it came meant she wouldn't have to worry about it herself. Silver put the silver tray on a nearby table and he equipped his longsword, its chill on his hand made Silver feel safe. This was the best weapon silver had at his disposal and if he was lucky he just might get something better. He soon ran out of the guild hall and headed to the street he followed the voice of the that was yelling saying he would lead them to the vampires. Silver did as he asked and did his best to follow him, even though his agility was at the highest rank he still had trouble keeping up with the guy. At least he tripped over his own feet enough for Silver to keep up as he went towards the horizon where he could see the miasma in the distance...