[hider=My Hider] https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiiR8hbkaj9YYxnKH2z2tHaY5Bu91QiGGDlXiNeOXjd5_9WOur [color=FF0000]Name/Nicknames:[/color] William (or Will) Humphrey Edwards [color=FF0000]Age:[/color] 198 Years (Ghoulifcation having occured at age 34) [color=FF0000]Race:[/color] Ghoul [color=FF0000]Personality:[/color] Having grown up in a world that had only recently seen the devastating, life eradicating, power of the atomic bombs dropped upon the United Kingdom by various foreign powers, William knows too well the desperation and sheer risk that even the most logical of humans allow themselves to be clouded by in their struggles. He is a somewhat worldweary man, prone to certain bouts of cynisism and what to an outsider would look like utter boredom towards things that may make even some veteran humans squirm. William also shows something of a 'do-gooder' streak, in that he would whole heartedly assist any seriously harmed individual he comes across - provided he knows they aren't going to shoot him in the back moments after. Despite what the many think of ghouls in general, William is an overall quiet and rather peaceful person, that doesn't favour violence all that much. He is quite soft-spoken, and gentle when dealing with peaceful people; at any circumstance, he tries to avoid violence, even if he is rather competent at fighting against other, more base ghouls. He has a remarkable level of self-control, which he utilizes mostly to live in peace with humans (despite their constant beratement), though should the need arise he will dwell with more... unhinged creatures provided they aren't ones to attack. Though of course he will always prefer the company of a fellow ghoul. To the outsider, he comes across as emotionally distant and perhaps a little harsh in the way he distains a large amount of other, more base, mutants, particularly ferals. Perhaps if one were to delve deeper, and get to know him, then they may find that he is a fairly friendly and loyal person. [color=FF0000]Appearance:[/color] Extremely tall in height, reaching somewhere along the lines of 197 centimetres, William possesses the raw, rotting, and necrotic frame that all his ghoulish kind share. His body is, actually rather well muscles for a ghoul - which is still not saying much in particular. He has sharp, edged, and most certainly noble features, in the form of high cheekbones, a slightly pointed chin, thins lips, a straight and thin nose, thin eyebrows, and rather perfectly shaped eyes. Though, these have all seen better days due to the ravaging ways of radiation and the agony of ghoulifcation. These features are thin, but not to the point of appearing gaunt and sickly, if anything they are brimming with life when compared to others of his sort. His eyes have a rather icy, bright blue/grey colour, in contrast to his necrotic skin which runs the gambit from pus yellow to scabby reds.. His hair, what is left of it, is a bright ginger mane which covers the most of his head (akin to a man with a receeding hairline). His facial hair is similar, but not patchy surprisingly, it is in a style similar to Lord Kitchener's mustache. Perhaps notable, are his teeth. Rather than some manner of pearly white or rotten, his teeth are extremely sharp and almost a blurred yellow in colour...how or why they are sharpened is best to left to more private talks, however. Facial Hair - http://farm1.static.flickr.com/40/87788938_a691dfa4bb.jpg http://orig14.deviantart.net/354f/f/2010/282/4/9/fo3_sk_crowley_by_milulya-d2mjva5.jpg He is most often found in a rather scuffed up suit of traveller's clothing, that being composed of: A tattered up old off-white shirt, a pair of similarly filthy trousers, a surprisinly clean and new looking pair of shoes, and a beat up old grey trenchcoat. Some old combat armour resembling that used by the old British army is worn under or over all this. Skills/Attributes: [color=FF0000]Swordsman[/color] - William is rather adept at using swords and other manners of one-handed bladed weapons. His ghoulish nature prevents much in the manner of outright brute forcing a person, hence the lack of blunt crushing weapons and favour of a more easily wielded (for a ghoul) weapon. [color=FF0000]Marksman[/color] - In accompanying his knowledge of blades, William is also a fairly good shot with mid-sized hunting bows. A skill that was more on the side of being forced to learn as many creatures of the wastes grew in size and ferocity. His skill is not the best, nor the worst, able to hit a moderately sized object from a moderately far distance. [color=FF0000]Rad Resistance[/color] - As with all Ghouls in the wasteland, William is entirely uneffected by nigh on all forms of radiation, though he has yet to see if that extends on to the more...man-portable, means. [color=FF0000]Perceptive[/color] - Despite rotting tissues and necrotic nerves which dimish strength to slightly below human averages, William is highly perceptive of the wastelands and boasts rather keen senses even for a ghoul as old as himself. [color=FF0000]Medical Professional[/color] - During his life in the Havens, William learned much about the human body and ways in which it can be treated or otherwise healed. [color=FF0000]Back-story:[/color] Born during a time which had only somewhat recently felt the awesomely destructive potential of the atomic bomb, William and his familiy lived in one of the many 'Havens' which dotted the United Kingdom. He and his family were of a northern stock of the Yorkshire variety (one of the Havens of York, to be exact.) and much of the populace of their Haven where similarly from the local area. His early life was a promising one, he was smarter than most and had a rather grande future being planned as some manner of doctor, or perhaps even engineer for the Haven itself. Needless to say, the early years were certainly golden ones. Over the course of his life, William stayed much within the norms of his Haven. However, it was not untill now that he began to notice certain things, certain rather shady actions. Things which usually were sturdy and well constructed began to suddenly fail or falter in some manner, and even the water purifcation systems became less and less useful as an increasingly drastic amount of radiation and dirt began to seep into the water supply from the outside. It became so bad that even the Haven itself was breeched eventually due to a malfuctioning generator. The situation became desperate, and with desperation became the first of the ghouls. Unbeknowst to the populace of the Haven, the amount of rads in the areas where systems vital to the Haven's continued self-sustainability had become sufficient to...warp, the people that worked there. Their facial, head, and even body hair began to fall from them and some compained of skin irritations. The Overseer, a slave driver of a man, cared not. Such was his complete contempt for the people under him, that when the engineers began to die or were so in pain as to become bedridden he would merely send more down there to keep the vital systems in working order. No price was too high, and William was among those whom were sent down there. To certain death. His week of work were short at the very most, William now had grown to be a man of thirty-three years that was fit in mind and body. He had worked as a medical professional, or as professional as the Haven could make them, and he had seen firsthand the effects of the radiation upon the workers. Skin was necrotic, cartillage became weakened or outright became useless, and their apperance resembled more akin to classical zombies than actual people. It was not before long that William himself succumbed to these illnesses, skin became to crack and resemble a whole mass of burnt or necrotic tissues. Hair began to fall out. His mood deepend to outright depression, and visions of something...better. While only the security of the Havens had any access to more 'viable' weapons such batons or even the odd firearm, they were not a match for the groups of disgruntled workers... when they themselves were part of the newly ghoulified members of the Haven. Numbers of the 'normal' and ghoul became roughly even, and a Haven-wide civil war began. On one side, the human elite (for all of them held prominent positions within the Haven, while Ghouls were forced into worthless jobs) that feared these "zombies" and on the other the ghouls themselves. Fighting was brief and violent, with many being slain or visciously wounded by the onslaught. William himself led a half dozen fellow ghouls as they fought off against the hostile guard forces. The overseer himself, along with his whole family, was forced into the most radiated of areas of the Haven where they themselves simply died slow agonised deaths. The now ghoul-controlled Haven was, drastically different from the pre-take over. While previously the Haven was ruled by a central, increasingly small human upper caste. It was now a more equal society, but it was not viable. Numbers were small, and the populace found themselves lacking ability to have children. The outside was needed, and needed drastically. It was a heavy idea, one which no one truly wanted, but one which they needed to complete. And that, is why William now wanders the wastes. [color=FF0000]Other:[/color] Nothing really to note... [/hider]