[b]Name:[/b] Zhen Lin Shi (Zheng Xuobian) [b]Race:[/b] Xianluon, a humanoid race with features most comparable to aquatic or amphibious animals. They commonly possess skin in shades of green and brown, an extra pair of arms, four large black eyes (two on each side), and a head of around eight to twelve thick tendrils in the place of hair, but are otherwise humanoid. While they prefer a wetter environment they are able to function in an Earth-like atmosphere. The Xianluon have made contact with the United Terran States, but they have not been culturally unified since their Empire went through a catastrophic collapse nearly a hundred years ago. Wealthy or well-connected Xianluon typically learn Chinese as well as English, which is phonetically similar to the Xianluon tongue and easier to translate between. [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Zhen is thinly built and a little on the short side for her species, but she's tougher then she looks. Her skin is a mottled shade of forest green, her eyes are the typical color of black, and she has ten tendrils tattooed with thin streaks of blue. The tattoos are common among lower class Xianluons seen in space, but the empty piercing holes on the ends of her tendrils and her elegant posture betray her regal background. She also has faint scarring on her arms and back. [b]Personality:[/b] Zhen tends to come across as meek and a bit neurotic, and she regularly struggles with depression and loneliness. She tries to be dignified and diligent in spite of her personal issues, and her quiet demeanor hides her true intelligence. She's also charming in her own little way and deeply empathetic, always happy to listen to someone's problems and do her best to try and fix them. [b]Skills:[/b] Zhen has a superb education and is as fluent in English and Chinese as her own native tongue. She's good with mathematics and the sciences, a talented artist, and always eager and willing to learn new things. Zhen is also athletic and a good hand to hand fighter. [b]Reason for Visit:[/b] She's a political exile, and trying to get as far away from her uncle as she possibly can. [b]Bio:[/b] Zhen was born with the name Zheng Xuobian, and was in fact the crown princess and heir of the prominent Xianluon polity known as the Xuobian Kingdom. Raised in wealth and luxury, her mother passed away when she was young and her father spared no expense when it came to preparing his daughter for the rigors of ruling when it was time for her to take over. Sadly, political stability is a rarity in Xianluon society, and when her father refused to let a UTS corporation set up a mining operation on one of hid holdings, he was suddenly and mysteriously overthrown by his brother when Zheng was sixteen, never to be seen again. Unlike her just and honest father, Zheng's uncle was a greedy, cruel megalomaniac who ruled with an iron fist, and as the heir of the true king Zheng was cruelly mistreated for her refusal to support his rule. Eventually he decided that Zheng was better off dead then alive and made plans to execute her publicly, but she managed to escape her inprisonment with the help of some sympathizers and escaped into UTS space. Adopting a commoner name, she drifted from place to place for a while until she ended up at Tsiolkovsky Station, looking for a quiet place to settle down. [b]Equipment:[/b] Zhen doesn't have much, just a few personal mementos, a couple of books, and a change of clothing in a rucksack. [b]Position applying for:[/b] She would like to work at the Asimov Lounge or one of the other store fronts. Anywhere where she can help. :)