[center][img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/134/6/e/birds_of_prey_symbol_ii_wp_by_chaomanceromega-d4zspw6.png[/img][/center] [hider=Birds of Prey] Universe of Origin: Multiuniversal Organization, having no set capital, this faction lies scattered for the most part. Capabilities: They are a smaller group, scattered among the many universes but each of its members contributes something unique. They have a varied degree of technical abilities as well as some that are considered magical. Their fleet includes: [list] [*]1 Asari Dreadnought *Flagship* [*]1 Alliance Dreadnought [*]1 Quarian Cruiser [*]1 Protoss Carrier [*]6 Asari Heavy Frigates [*]1 UNSC Charon-Class Frigate [*]3 UNSC Paris-Class Frigates [*]9 CR90 Corvettes [*]2 Quarian Corvettes [*]87% Fighter Craft Support [*]98% Strike Craft Support [*]93% Ground Troop Capabilities [/list] Objectives: The Birds of Prey is a loosely organize group that serve to seek their own agenda, usually, but overall, they seek a positive outcome for their own universes. Members: Total membership numbers in the thousands with a total number not being accurate. Membership is exclusive to only females across all universes. Members so far include, but not limited to: [list] [*]Jessica Jones [*]Nova Terra [*]Hana Song [*]Miranda Keyes [/list] History: The Birds of Prey started out shortly after the individuals of certain universes began openly traveling to and from other universes. The group was no more than a sort of club for females of extraordinary power, with a similar moral compass, that finally met at one location. The club eventually blossomed into quite a large group as the original members traveled throughout other universes. Eventually concern was raised when people began worrying about other factions that sought control of all universes and thus, the Birds of Prey were formed. The members were gathered and a short list of rules were agreed upon, namely not harming another member unless vouched for by other members. Otherwise, all the members, and potential future members, agreed that all members were allowed almost absolute freedom, but with an emphasis on pursuing safety for the sisterhood and their respective universes. 'Suggestions' and rewards could be made by the small elected leadership to give the group a heading, but otherwise, members were allowed to go at whatever they wanted. Obviously this caused issues later in the group's existence as intimidation and corruption soon began plaguing the group. Similarly, the group was at times getting a bad reputation for some members acting in a rather vile manner. This eventually lead to a division among the group as some wanted the leadership opted for more control over members, seeking only to do good for the universes. A sister group was quick to follow labeled "The Birds of Paradise", which was composed of members who had very good moral compasses. It is only recently that the Birds of Prey have recovered from their infighting and refocused on their goal, now that Arcadia-1 has been discovered.[/hider] [hider= The Muscle] [center][img]http://www.flickeringmyth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Jessica-Jones.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Jessica Jones Age: 24 Years Old Species: Gifted Human Gender: Female Personality: As the 'Muscle', Jessica is very distant and sarcastic, appearing at times that she doesn't even appreciate her comrades. The truth of it is, however, is that she really does care about them and appreciates the friends she has made. She can be a bit rash when she is in a fury, but is very stout otherwise. Her moral compass points to a Neutral Good, wanting to spare almost all lives, including some of the lesser villains, and has clashed vocally with her comrades on matters of judgement. Bio: (Not as necessary for established characters) Abilities: Super Strength, the upper limits being able to lift and toss large vehicles with ease. Resistance to injury, but not immunity. Accelerated healing. Has quite the high jump. Is a private investigator and knows her way around a crime scene. Universe of Origin: Marvel Universe Earth 199999 [/hider] [hider= The Brain] [center][img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/11/112064/1822980-88bd69d06930ec9b09eaef935b24a91e_d3b40uz.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Nova Terra Age: 20 Years Old Species: Human Gender: Female Personality: As the 'Brain', Nova is very cold and calculating, willing to be absolutely apathetic if she has to. She is known to keep a cool head and very mindful of others. She has sort of came into the role of leader, although the other girls would argue that there is no leader. Although she prefers to plan out operations, she can think on her feet if need be. Her moral compass points to a Lawful Neutral direction, with the hopes that she can help keep order to the vast expanse of universes. She is not above passing judgement and executing those that she considers a threat to her idea of order. Bio: (Not as necessary for established characters) Abilities: As a Terran Ghost, Nova ultilizes some of the best technology from her universe: Full bodied cloaking, psyblade, AGR-14 (a sniper or an assault rifle). She has been genetically modified to be faster and stronger (peak human levels), but most importantly she has been modified to be Psionic (which is how her cloaking works). She can psionically increase her speed, detect presences (radar), 'dominate' opponents (can mentally stall or control weaker beings), and finally can use it as a blastwave to knock opponents off their feet. Universe of Origin: Universe SC-2 [/hider] [hider= The Soul] [center][img]http://i0.wp.com/www.geeksandcom.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Overwatch-D.-Va.jpg[/img][/center] Name: Hana Song and D.Va Age: 19 Species: Human Gender: Female Personality: As the 'soul' of the team, Hana has a warm, colorful personality and she is the most likely member to greet and welcome others. Both Nova and Jessica consider her quite irritating at times as she treats everything as if it were a game. Although, she is probably the most adapted, out of the three, to multiple universes, and is a quick learner to new encounters that may take Nova and Jessica some time to adapt to. Her moral compass points to a more Chaotic Neutral direction because while she is very forgiving, she is not hesitant to pass judgement and punishment if another's direction tends towards evil. She also doesn't care about how they do it, just that they do it. Bio: (Not as necessary for established characters) Abilities: Hana is a talented mech pilot who pilots her personal mech, D.Va. She knows the ins-and-outs of a mechanized machine within a few hours of studies but she knows nothing better than D.Va. She knows how to push the thing to points possibly even beyond its original limits, but Hana, herself, does not have any special abilities outside of her piloting skills. D.Va is what really separates this particular pairing. It is armed with two powerful fusion cannons, a variety of boosters for mobility, a defensive matrix which can prevent projectiles from even hitting D.Va, and can also self-destruct in a powerful explosion. What is interesting about self-destruction is that D.Va always seems to put itself back together after awhile, capable of returning to its pilot after a period of time. Universe of Origin: Universe OW1 [/hider] [hider= The Commander] [center][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/8347aa09b08306d8aa2fe080e9cd27a9/tumblr_nf23dju2GM1rzhisyo7_500.png[/img][/center] Name: Commander Miranda Keyes Age: 26 Years Old Species: Human Gender: Female Personality: (Not as necessary for established characters) Bio: (Not as necessary for established characters) Abilities: Miranda is just an ordinary human but she has a great understanding of military tactics and space fleet strategies. Her primary assistance to the Birds of Prey will come from the fleet placed under her command. Universe of Origin: Universe H03 [/hider]