Shigetoshi kept up the mental flagellation as he spotted Tatsuki. Of course, that was after the young man jumped at how close he was. Still, politeness won out. Years of drilled in manners asserted themselves and he had no choice but to go along. "No. I've abused your help too much. You're a guest, the idea is for you to relax." He smiled at Tatsuki as if to say: [i]yes, everything is fine here[/i]. Shigetoshi didn't wait for the other man to respond before fully entering the dining room, instead of luring in the door like an idiot. He forced himself to move slowly and precisely as he gathered up the used dishes and chopsticks. All the while more than half of his attention was completely focused on Tatsuki and what he would do next. The rest of his attention wasn't quite on his menial task. But rather on the fact that the foreigners had all left the room. His mind conjured up images of where they might be, what they might be doing. And of course, that foreigner who had cast eyes on him. The young man found himself blushing again at the memory. As Shigetoshi worked the rest of the guests left the dining room.