[center][b]MAY, 1907[/b] ([i]May 16th-23rd[/i])[/center] [b]MAY 16th[/b] The [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Sumaya[/color][/b], honoring its call to the [i]Imperial Restoration[/i], formally declares war on the member states of the [i]Sociatatem[/i]. [b]MAY 17th[/b] A production run of 150,000 Rudiger rifles is finished by the [b][color=gray]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b], though after initial inspection it is discovered that 25,000 of them are defective and destroyed. [b]MAY 18th[/b] The [b][color=maroon]Grand Survaek Empire[/color][/b] submarine [i]Swordfish[/i] sinks a [color=green][b]Deltoran[/b][/color] merchantman carrying 5,000 supplies to the [b]Serranthian Front[/b]. (-5,000 Supplies in Serranthia for [b]Deltora[/b]). [b]MAY 19th[/b] A [b]Factory[/b] started last year in the [color=lightgreen][b]Empire of Sumaya[/b][/color] finishes production and will be available for work in June. [b]MAY 20th[/b] The [b][color=gray]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b] sees its first foray into flight when billionaire inventor [i]Hans von Graff[/i] flies the [i]Ludden[/i] for 180 meters in fifteen seconds. (+$10,000,000,000 to [b]Flight[/b] technology). [b]MAY 21st[/b] The [b][color=green]Republic of Deltora[/color][/b] finishes it's theoretical research into [b]Deep Defense[/b]. [b]May 22nd[/b] A production run of [b]100 Iganov-Feguson[/b] heavy field gun is finished in the [color=blue][b]Empire of Anvegad[/b][/color]. [b]May 23rd[/b] A [b]Factory[/b] in the [i]Keyvah[/i] province finishes production in the [b][color=maroon]Grand Survaek Empire[/color][/b]. [hr] [center][b]WESTERN SERRANTHIAN THEATER[/b][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/UhMvxAF.png[/img][/center] [b][u]WIKUS[/u][/b] On May 19th, the [b]Surv-Akur First Army Group[/b] launched a coordinated offensive against the city of [b]Wikus[/b] along the northern shores of Eerkhbad river. With 12,000 men of four infantry battalions, they advanced through the city, flanking previously known machine gun emplacements. The Deltorans there, outflanked, outgunned and outnumbered fell back. The city had been captured by dusk of the same day. It would not remain long in the hands of the Survaekom. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/59/BL_5.4_inch_Howitzer_and_Crew_East_Africa_WWI.jpg[/img] [i]Deltoran Field Artillery Unit posing in front of an A05 Auguste Field Gun, May 1907[/i][/center] On May 23rd the [b]Deltoran III[/b] and [b]IV Divisions[/b] advanced into Wikus proper. 40,000 strong, they were well fed and well supplied; though lacked fire support in their advance. The [color=red][b]Second Battle of Wikus[/b][/color] began on May 23rd, with 40,000 Deltorans moving to hold the city against impending Survaekom assaults. The Survaekoms fell back without much fuss. The Deltorans moved their assembled A05 Auguste Field Guns into position to bombard retreating Survaekom positions. A steep counter barrage by the superior Survaek guns silenced the Deltorans as dusk settled over the city. Over 10,000 men dead on both sides with the borders having ultimately returned to their original positions on the river. [hider=Second Battle of Wikus Casualties] [b][color=maroon]Grand Survaek Empire[/color][/b]: 2,853 men (2,853 Rifles, 16 Ishui Model 11 Automatic Rifles, 4 Shayaer 3.3-Inch Light Artillery) [b][color=green]Republic of Delltora[/color][/b]: 4,163 men (4,674 Vulcaine Mk II Rifles, 51 Madsen Machine Guns, 9 A05 Auguste Fields Guns)[/hider] [b][u]SOUTHERN FRONT[/u][/b] While the [b]Surv-Akur Second Army Group[/b] untangled itself and get underway, the [b]XII[/b] and [b]IV Corps[/b] of the [b]Second Deltoran Field Army[/b] attempted to foray into the desert. Utilizing maps drawn in the 1890's, the men set out assuming that roads had been built, and wandered aimlessly for three days until one of the commanders realized that no roads had ever been built so far into the Serranthian desert. They immediately entrenched themselves, preparing for the much greater Survaekom force. Three days later the [b]Surv-Akur Second Army Group[/b] arrived, but they were less than half the size initially reported, numbering only 100,000 or so thousand. Skirmishing took place, but trenches were quickly built. A day later a major assault came, initially attempted as a flanking maneuver along the Eerkhad River, the [b][color=green]Deltoran 6th Infantry Division[/color][/b] attacked along the banks of the river, attempting a breakthrough to the city of Arkhaer. The [b][color=red]Battle of the Eerkhad River[/color][/b] was the bloodiest of the entire front, lasting six days. The division met awkwardly positioned Survaekom machine gunners, and after six days of fighting the Deltoran's forced a breakthrough at the axis of attack. However, without any assistance, the [b]6th Division[/b] was exhausted and vulnerable to counter attack. [hider=Battle of the Eerkhad River Casualties] [b][color=maroon]Grand Survaek Empire[/color][/b]: 9,803 men (9,803 Rifles, 91 Ishui Model 11 Automatic Rifles, 27 Shayaer 3.3-Inch Light Artillery) [b][color=green]Republic of Delltora[/color][/b]: 15,002 men (15,002 Vulcaine Mk II Rifles, 6 Madsen Machine Guns)[/hider] [b][u]EASTERN FRONT[/u][/b] The front, south of Mwikus to the end of the Eerkhad River, was largely uneventful; with large concentrations of Deltoran and Survaekom troops well entrenched with machine guns and field guns supporting them. [b][u]INLAND SEA[/u][/b] On May 17th, the [b]Surv-Vyaez Expeditionary Force[/b] (4 CL's, 8 DD's) blockades the port city of [b]Khad[/b], cutting off incoming supplies from reaching the Deltoran field armies there. On May 18th the Survaekom destroyer [i]Teiris[/i] attacks and sinks the unguarded Deltoran merchantman [i]Kalas[/i]. The [i]Kalas[/i] was carrying 5,000 supplies to Serranthia. (-5,000 Supplies in Serranthia for [b]Deltora[/b]). [hr] [b][center]SARELIAN THEATER[/center][/b] [b]Sarelian Sea[/b] Following the declaration of war, the [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Sumaya[/color][/b] immediately began combat operations. On May 16th, the Sumayan submarine spotted an inbound Kalpian fleet headed southeast toward Greyhedge. The submarine, [i]RSN Phila[/i] attempted an attack at 1524 but it's torpedo missed. Following a three hour pursuit, the Kalpian destroyer [i]Grabo[/i] successfully depth charged the submarine before rejoining the convoy to Greyhedge. [b]Vicarri Sea[/b] While fleets of both belligerent nations did cross the Vicarri Sea, no actions took place here during the third week of May. [b]Sumaya[/b] Only hours after midnight on the 17th, the [b]2nd Sumayan Army[/b] under Raja Dhara crossed into Kalpian Sarelia. Their first objective, the small city of Hent was protected by a single Kalpian Division. The [b][color=red]Battle of Hent[/color][/b] was a fierce affair, as Kalpian soldiers fought on ruggedly; but for their efforts of 10,000 men to defend the city, they had only 180 FT-18 machine guns to defend themselves. The battle raged on well into the week, and Hent was completely surrounded by the time the Sumayan 1st Army met mobilized Kalpian troops further into the border. The remainder of the 2nd Army pressed west toward Viertas, but was held up by the thick jungle foliage and hastily designed Kalpian trenches. Hent continued on, but it's casualties were already mounting up. General Dhara, hopeful to capture Hent to secure his rear lines, sent three sporadic frontal charges up the hill, but they were repulsed by courageous Kalpian defenses. [hider=Battle of Hent Casualties] [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Sumaya[/color][/b]: 16,432 (16,432 Rifles, 19 Light Artillery) [b][color=gray]Kalpian Republic[/color][/b]: 6,753 (7,042 Rudiger/13 Rifles, 26 FT-18 machine guns)[/hider] [b]Greyhedge[/b] The Kalpian island of Greyhedge was a fruitful jumping off point between Kalpia and the Sarelian colonies, and the Kalpian High Command immediately ordered the reinforcement of the small island following the declaration of war. The [b]Kalpian 3rd Army[/b] was escorted by the [b]Kalpian Home Fleet[/b] and landed without incident. [b]Soroyan Sarelia[/b] The [b]Sumayan 12th Fleet[/b] under Admiral Cahya Budan set sail three days after the beginning of the campaign with a half dozen troop barges toward Soroyan Sarelia. Sumayan intelligence had indicated that the Soroyan naval presence there was lackluster at best, but operatives there failed to notice that much of the Soroyan colonial fleet had been out of Fort Celnaer and further up the coast following major storms in the area, and the Soroyans had lodged a rather substantial fleet in the area. The [b]Sumayan 12th Fleet[/b], comprised of the armored cruiser [i]RSN Anakonda[/i], the light cruisers [i]Fara, Minawa,[/i] and [i]Gao[/i] and the destroyers [i]Nata, Nuki[/i] and [i]Nes[/i] set sail from Suma to escort the [b]Sumayan 1st Army[/b] to land on the eastern shore of Soroyan Sarelia. On the morning of the 22nd, Soroyan spotters chimed to Fort Celnaer via runner that a fleet was inbound and notified Rear Admiral Hart, who sortied immediately. The [b]Soroyan Colonial Fleet[/b] sailed with it's flagship as the [i]SRF Sikea[/i], a pre-dreadnought over a decade old. The fleet sortied with a second pre-dreadnought, the [i]Reijimink[/i], an armored cruiser, 3 light cruisers and 6 destroyers. The light cruiser [i]Wildenberg[/i]'s boilers lost pressure, but the guns were manned in case of a pending attack on the harbor. The [b]Battle of the Tennet Sea[/b] began at 1351 when the pre-dreadnought [i]Sikea[/i] turned hard to port and loosed a barrage at the lead Sumayan ship. The Sumayan armored cruiser [i]RSN Anakonda[/i] returned fire, turning to meet the pre-dreadnoughts guns. At 1406 the pre-dreadnought [i]Reijimink[/i]'s second volley hit the [i]Nuki[/i] and her aft magazines went up, erupting in a fiery explosion. The troop transports turned about, sailing northeast then turning back to the south with destroyers [i]Nes[/i] and [i]Nata[/i] escorting them. The [i]RSN Anakonda[/i] took two direct hits from the 10-inch guns of the Soroyan pre-dreadnoughts and was forced to retire, while the Sumayan and Soroyan light cruisers parleyed for half an hour, with the [i]SRF Brinks[/i], a new Walle-class destroyer completely a successful torpedo attack that struck the Sumayan light cruiser [i]RSN Fara[/i] in less than twelve minutes. Too slow to keep up, the Soroyan pre-dreadnoughts retired after the Sumayans left range, limping back to Suma. [hider=Battle of the Tennet Sea Casualties] [b][color=lightgreen]Empire of Sumaya[/color][/b]: [i]RSN Anakonda[/i] (71% Damaged), [i]RSN Fara[/i] (Sunk), [i]RSN Nuki[/i] (Sunk) [b][color=purple]Kingdom of Soroya[/color][/b]: [i]SRF Sikea[/i] (21% Damaged), [i]SRF Holsink[/i] (61% Damaged)[/hider] [center][img]http://www.navalpostcards.info/to_download/special-10A.jpg[/img] [i]SRF Sikea shooting during the Battle of the Tennet Sea, May 1907[/i][/center]