[color=gray][h3] Ox[/h3][/color] [b]Location:[/b] Seven Hills City, Mission Board Ox looked at the oncoming vampire army with awe as they smashed though everything in their way. Why were they massing in such large numbers? Mobs never grouped outside of dungeons or raids to her knowledge, at least until now. Though she had to wonder what the point was, even if it was a coordinated attack, it wasn't like the players could be exterminated. Unless being killed by a vampire could somehow turn you into a thrall, but it had never happened before. Still it was better safe than sorry, however it was unlikely that many players would show up, after all, they wouldn't care if they got killed. What a quandary, at worst she could wait for another player to get killed and see what happened. It wasn't very ethical though, especially for a tank class. "[b]Alright folks you know the drill![/b]" Ox shouted as she took her place at the front line. "[b]Tanks to the front, melee dps behind, next support, next ranged dps.[/b]" She didn't do her power-dance because it was super embarrassing and not needed so she simply activated her rune of warding and waited for the battle to start.