[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/gXLYHbo.png?1[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vHMwqRR.jpg?1[/img][/center] Embark on a journey with an up-and-coming band! The soon-to-be outrageously successful pop/rock group has surprising, twisted tales to be told that are not to be missed! Sit down with a popcorn.gif and watch hot drama unfold! Their everyday lives are chronicled for your pleasure. [sub][h2][color=#CFCFCF][i][b]ABOUT // EXPECTATIONS [/b][/i][/color][/h2][/sub] [hider=Please read][] Standard roleplay and Guild rules apply. [] There are few things in RP I hate more than ghosting. Commit to the game before you join. Think about your schedule. If life hits you suddenly when you’re in, then please let us know and we can try to accommodate you. [] This is a Casual game with a moderate pace, which means about 2 posts per week, of a few mid-sized paragraphs, for the primary characters. For secondary characters, a common sense approach to posting rate and length when they jump into the fray. I’d like you to feel at ease and active when playing in this game. [] On secondary/supporting characters: their transient nature is the advantage for time-pressed players. You may choose to hop into the story when you have something to contribute, move along development, and leave when it’s finished. You are, in effect, a plot prompter. Go ahead, mess things up for the core players or have more than one character. If you’re intending to stay on for the whole ride but as a character that’s not a band member, then have a chat with the GM and apply using the Primary Char CS. [] 70% sandbox : 30% GM = every player must actively contribute to the plot progression, i.e you create events to happen, you craft the environments, [i]and[/i] you follow the GM prompts. I will PM you if you’re only a passive/reactive player. [url= http://plays.about.com/od/improvgames/qt/YesAnd.htm ]“Yes, and,”[/url] is a good motto. [] Communication is key - with your fellow players and the GM - for a woven story. OOC chats about character relationships, plot twists are strongly encouraged (read: I will side-eye Broody McLoner). [] Therefore, please read what other players have posted IC about the surroundings, the story arc that they might have started - reading comprehension, understanding implications, and details are important. This [i]isn’t[/i] a game where the GM will post IC and you’ll need only to follow the GM. It is a back-and-forth rally in storytelling. [] If you have any question, concern or idea, please feel free to PM me [@Fillet]. [b]TL;DR - Be communicative and interactive. Be proactive.[/b] [/hider] [] This is set in the modern day, 2016, in Los Angeles, USA. [] As of the first IC post, the band has been working together for several months. It is moderately famous in the ballpark range of some hundreds of thousands subscribers on Youtube, tens of thousands on Last FM, Facebook, etc and individual members are followed. Because you are incredibly talented and attractive, you. [] Miami Over Moon is the name! Get it tattooed! [color=#CFCFCF][h2][sub][sub][b]The band has been filled but we are[/b][/sub][/sub][/h2][/color][color=#CFCFCF][h3][u][b]currently seeking[/b][/u][/h3][/color] [] Any relevant supporting character you may want: ranges from an immoral gossip rag editor, to a fellow celebrity, a parent who makes use of their child’s fame, a con-artist who claims to be a long-lost brother, a stylist or an ex, etc. [] Expression of interest to be a band member.[color=#CFCFCF][h2][sub][sub][b]The CS template[/b][/sub][/sub][/h2][/color] [hider=Primary Chars] [code] [hider=CHAR NAME] [IMG]Real Life Pic Only Please[/IMG] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Full name:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Pretty-font it up if you wish.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Nickname(s):[/b][/color][/i] [indent] If any, and if so what’s the backstory and who is allowed to / calls them that. [/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Gender:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Gender[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Date of birth:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Month, Age between 19-21[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Is this public knowledge or are they closeted?[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Appearance / Notable physical features:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Height? Build? Do they have tattoos or piercings? Etc[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Personality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Besides the standard, do they have public and private personae?[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Roommate-ness:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent] What are they like as a roommate? Habits? Pet peeves? Routine?[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Public records / Bio:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Your character’s past that everybody can know about, e.g. googled, from interviews, friends. They may have joined the band recently and only have a professional relationship, or they might have known some bandmates personally for quite a while. Otherwise please leave stuff you want to reveal for later out of this section (see below). To include here or below: their [b]aspirations, plans[/b] (eg make a quick buck and get out or live the life of sex drugs and rock ’n roll), [b]their personal beliefs[/b] (hidden sexist? secret pervert? blatant religious devotee?) [/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Vices:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent] Remember this is pre-fame. However, include any inclination that can turn a bit obsessive. Drugs? Binge drinking and only on Tuesdays at 11pm exactly? Gambling? Reality TV? Candy or fast food? [/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Skills:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]Stuff they’re good at, include musical skills.[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Other:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]Random stuff[/indent] [/hider] [center]########## PM ONLY ########## PM ONLY ######## PM ONLY ##########[/center] [hider] Please cut away and PM this section to the GM ([@Fillet]) [u]any information you wish to keep secret for now.[/u] So anything that your friends and the public don’t know. If there’s something only your char’s best friend or one or two others know, make a note of it here (and tell them). This is fuel for drama i.e. secrets that could raise hell for your char if exposed. Go wild. e.g. they slept with a bandmate’s mom… and sister… not at the same time, maybe. Or they got into a huge brawl with each other and neither talks about it again, but their friendship has become strained from the elephant in the room. It needn’t always be serious, it can be funny and trivial but there might be consequences. eg they dropped their bandmate’s dental floss into the toilet and didn’t replace it with a new box. Please don’t make a severe abuse/trauma history. It’s too dark for this RP. [/hider] [/code] [/hider] [hider=Secondary Chars] [code] [hider=CHAR NAME] [IMG]Real Life Pic Only Please[/IMG] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Full name:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Name name name[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Gender:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Gender[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Date of birth:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Month, Age[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Are they in or out?[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Appearance / Notable physical features:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Height? Build? Do they have tattoos or piercings? Etc[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Personality:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Personality[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Public records / Bio:[/b][/color][/i] [indent]Your character’s past that everybody can know about, e.g. googled, from interviews, friends. Otherwise please leave stuff you want to reveal for later out of this section (see below). To include here or below: their [b]personal plans[/b] (involving some aspects of the main cast) [b]their personal beliefs[/b] (hidden sexist? secret pervert? blatant religious devotee?) [/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Vices:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent] Optional. Any inclination that can turn a bit obsessive. Drugs? Binge drinking and only on Tuesdays at 11pm exactly? Gambling? Reality TV? Candy or fast food? [/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Skills:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]Stuff they’re good at[/indent] [i][color=#33CC99][b]Other:[/b] [/color][/i] [indent]Random stuff[/indent] [/hider] [center]########## PM ONLY ########## PM ONLY ######## PM ONLY ##########[/center] [hider] Please cut away and PM this section to the GM ([@Fillet]) [u]any information you wish to keep secret for now.[/u] As it is for a supporting character, this is optional; if you do, then ensure that the info can be somewhat tied in with some part of the main crew. [/hider] [/code] [/hider]