I'm not sure if I can host such an RP but at the moment, this RP idea I have in mind is simply called by the corny title "Mecha Instinct: Infection". So far, the general idea is that on a planet (perhaps Earth but don't know) with humans suddenly gets rained on by mysterious alien crystals. Anyone struck by said crystal gets either an ability to transform into a giant monster of sorts (Kaiju) or perhaps more subtle powers like superhuman abilities and super durability to a certain extent. Those not "infected" evacuate earth to space colonies in space while those left behind fend for themselves. Fast foward several years later. And we have multiple governments in space all debating on how to best handle the now infected earth. Some say use mecha to wipe out those infected but some have the ability to take on mecha with their powers and durability. Other says to find a cure but those that even touch said crystals can't get them removed without massive tramua to the body and death. I'm sure something like this has been already done but still, be it me or even perhaps someone else, does anyone have an interest in this setup?