He'd piqued her interest it seemed, that was good. She was cautious, she didn't leap faith first, yes, very good. She had the instincts of someone from his trade, but he'd not heard of her. And he knew all of the halfway decent or betters. That meant she was new. And new was both valuable and dangerous. [color=8882be][i][b]"Nothing too terribly difficult, if you're up to the task. I simply need a distraction. I won't give you the details until we've made the Oath. And for that, all I need is your hand."[/b][/i][/color] He hopped off his crate, sticking to the shadows, keeping his mysterious air about him. He stuck his hand out, a pale, human hand, palm up, untouched, unscarred. Then he just chuckled, and stepped fully into the light, standing just in front of her, a broad grin on his face. [color=8882be][i][b]"Sorry, I can only keep up the theatrics for so long. I can guarantee you full healing at the end of the favor I wish for you to do. The only known Healer in the realm is a friend of mine, a former colleague. Her Healing is magical. I'm sure you've heard the rumors of magic existing once more, perhaps even seen it. After all, I'm guessing your injuries are from the tournament, lots of injured wandering around here from that. Shame I missed it, sounded like fun."[/b][/i][/color] His grin looked a bit more mischievous now, [color=8882be][i][b]"But again, I need your hand."[/b][/i][/color] His right hand outstretched, his other drew a knife, not aggressively, [color=8882be][i][b]"It will hurt, but only for a moment, won't even leave a scar. So, are you interested?"[/b][/i][/color]