Alright, we'll just wait for [@MrStitches]' character to be migrated, then we can start. So please, do that, MrStitches! The first GM post will provide a bit more detail on how the population of SR went to, and turned into the population of New Anchorage. I'll provide a few new faces, and you guys'll be seeing a few old ones, if you've been with us from the start. We'll start out like the last one, but different. In-Character, you'll meet up with your Commander, your new head engineer, and your NC's transporters. So, think about how these people might act, and how your dood might react. Obviously, if you have extra characters, only the NC pilots will actually be in the transport to NA's NC hangar proper. However, your extra characters can visit and whatnot, such as how McMolly had Elizabeth's little sister as an 'assistant' around the old base.