[h1][center][b][color=E6FFCC]Leon Alabaster[/color][/b][/center][/h1] Leon stared blankly at [color=aqua]Raine[/color]. She seemed to be grossly ill-informed about this situation. Was she injured? Possibly. [color=E6ffcc]"Ma'am," Leon[/color] said, vaguely disconcerted. [color=e6ffcc]"reparations will be paid in full, but must be paid by the [i]criminal[/i]. Unless you're his parent or guardian-- in which case you might be held accountable for his actions-- you paying for whatever it is the accusing party has lost will--"[/color] [color=e6ffcc]Leon[/color] paused. The boy didn't have whatever he stole, so he may have hidden it somewhere. Since [color=aqua]Raine[/color] had been in disgustingly close contact with this would-be kidnapper, perhaps she had noticed where he hid it away prior to being caught? [color=e6ffcc]"[i]Actually[/i], there is something you can do to help us. While he was hiding under the stall with you in his [i][Insipid Control][/i], did you notice him [i]hiding[/i] anything? A small bag, a flask, anything like that? It would be best if we could get this medicine back to its owner as soon as possible, before someone [i]else[/i] steals it."[/color]