Here's a medic for you. [hider=My Hider] Name: Dr. Layette C. Macintyre Rank: Leutennant-Commander/Chief Medical Officer Age: 32 Sex: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Height: 170cm Weight: 64kg Known Medical conditions: Nearsightedness. Bio: Layette is generally considered a bit of a cold bitch at times. Not that she lacks a sense of humor, she just chooses to ignore it most of the time. She is smart and knows it and has little patience when having to explain things more than once, or dumb down her language. She adheres to her Hippocratic oath fiercely and takes great pride in her work. How you got here: Growing up in relative poverty with four older siblings, nobody expected much from Layette. Her parents owned a small shop and like her siblings it was expected that she would simply work there as they did. She took this as a personal challenge and threw herself into her studies, taking an early interest in science and biology she quickly rose to be top of her classes, but never took much interest in making friends. She was accepted into a moderately prestigious university on a scholarship. She graduated with a majour in Medical Biology, a minor in Biochemistry and no real friends. She then attended med school and earned her doctorate before then suddenly finding herself with little more to strive for. Having proven her point, she returned home, unsure of what to do next. After some deliberation she enlisted, seeking to apply her skills where she felt they would do the most good and soon enough found herself as the CMO aboard the ESS Hanson. [/hider]