[center][img]http://i362.photobucket.com/albums/oo63/NMShape/coollogo_com-197432088_zps0cffe20e.png[/img][/center] [b]Doctor Eric Saxer's Lab in Little Sicily, Lost Haven[/b] Polemos' boot stomped down into a large puddle that covered the sidewalk, drenching his jeans in water. Luckily Chike's worn leather boots were adequately watertight and kept his socks relatively dry. The villain turned antihero spun around the corner, sprinting down an alleyway within his reach. He deftly hopped over a dumpster that dominated the center of the alley. He took a moment to knock the two ton trash bin over, spilling its contents in the way of any potential pursuers. Chike continued on his way, turning onto the next street and moving swiftly down the side of the street, vigilant of any patrolling police cruisers. The weight of the unconscious super soldier hefted over Chike's shoulders was barely worth calling an encumbrance. Chike bounced off the wall of an adjacent shop to avoid an unaware couple of teenagers exiting said shopping establishment. Polemos soared over the kids' heads, landing effortlessly and without losing momentum on the other side. The two pulled out their cellphones and started to record Chike immediately. His speed and agility was obviously superhuman, something Youtube couldn't get enough of. Bystanders looked on as the strange meta ran at the speed of a cheetah, dodging around old ladies and single moms struggling to carry groceries, all the while hoisting an unconscious man in United States military fatigues over his shoulders. A number of individuals retrieved their cellphones; only one of them seemed at all concerned about calling the authorities. The man, perhaps in his mid twenties, spoke loudly into his phone, describing Chike in detail. [color=aba000]"Damn."[/color] He cursed silently. His enhanced hearing allowed him to pick up both sides of the conversation perfectly. From what the dispatcher was saying, Polemos figured the police would arrive two and a half minutes before he reached his destination. What's worse, the serum he'd taken would be wearing off any minute now. If the police caught him out here in the open, without his powers, Chike was doomed. There had to be another way. Something Polemos could do to escape the attention of the cops. But what?! Then the answer hit Chike like a train. Or, more accurately, a giant hammer. Chike felt his feet leave the ground. His vision blurred; but the distinct taste of blood and the spray of red that covered his face told him all he needed to know. Something really [i]had [/i] hit him. Hard. He forced himself to sit up, leaning his head back. Once the pain subsided his vision soon returned. He was inside what appeared to be a pet store; only, there was a massive hole where the front wall had once been. [color=aba000]"Urrrgh."[/color] Chike gurgled, spitting up blood. His ribs hurt like Tartarus. He wiped the blood from his face with the edge of his sleeve. What in the name of Zeus was that? Had Chike been hit by a car? Polemos stood, stumbling towards the front door, clutching his chest. "You, mortal! You bare the mark of Olympus!" W-Who? What? "Dark-skinned man! In the stables! I address you!" Chike pushed the door to the pet store open, the tiny bell attached to the frame ringing as he stepped outside. [color=aba000]"Who are you supposed to be?"[/color] Stood in front of Chike was a man unlike any he'd ever met. The stranger stood at a towering nine feet tall. His thighs were twice as large as Chike's head and his arms were thicker than tree trunks. His most striking feature, however, was his hair. It was long; reaching down to his waist. And it was spikier than a porcupine. Honestly, Chike would have mistaken him for a Super Saiyan if it weren't for his hair being jet black. His appearance was made stranger still by his choice of attire. Golden armor and crimson robes, along with a golden two-handed warhammer strapped to his back. [hider=Image References] For the hair: [img]http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/3/34651/1224188-0raditz.jpg[/img] The Armor: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammeronline/images/a/ab/Warrior_priest_ss.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080405204317[/img] [/hider] "I am called Thune Xavior, of Aegis. I must have words with thy High Council of Magic." Chike gripped his broken ribs tighter, a bewildered look on his face. He had absolutely no idea what was going on. [color=aba000]"High Council of Magic- Wait a second, why'd you hit me?!"[/color] Polemos yelled, shaking a fist at the giant. "Indeed. Your highest authority on all things arcane. I have information that is vital to their protection of this realm. Oh, and my sincerest apologies for striking you. Your energy is...similar...to that of an enemy of mine. T'was my mistake." Chike sighed. [color=aba000]"Look. I don't know anything about magic or realms or whatever. But if you can take me home before the cops show, I'll help you out. I know a lady. Or goddess. Whatever."[/color] Thune's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Ah! You mean to take me to this universe's version of Olympus. Perfect! Surely the gods will know how to proceed. We are off to your abode, then, peasant." Without warning, Thune wrapped a massive arm around Chike and the unconscious super soldier, flying into the air. "Whence are we heading, mortal?!" He screamed. [color=aba000]"Take a left on Pine!"[/color] Chike yelled over the sound of rushing wind. "What is this 'pine' you speak of? I see no forest!" [color=aba000]"Just turn left!"[/color] --- "Your ceilings are quite small on this world." Thune complained, ducking under the door frame as he and Chike entered the home of Eric Saxer. [color=aba000]"Doc! Where you at?"[/color] Chike asked loudly. The motley pair of miscreants made their way up the two-story house's stairs, entering the crowded laboratory that made up the entire second floor. Chike expertly weaved his way between the various tables covered in expensive equipment and fragile glass vials. Thune, on the other hand, managed to knock down more than half the machines between himself and the doctor. Eric placed a palm against his face at the sight of it. "Who's this imbecile?" He whined. [color=aba000]"Just..Don't."[/color] Chike answered sharply. But it was too late. "I am called Thune Xavior! I hail from the land of Aegis. Which god art you, might I inquire?" The big lug introduced himself twice as many decibels louder than what was necessary. "I'm the god of kiss my ass. Now, can we get to work? I haven't slept since yesterday and, frankly, I want to get you two out of my life as soon as possible." Eric and Chike worked together to strap the unconscious super soldier to the operating table in the center of the room. "Greetings, god of kiss my ass! It is my pleasure to meet you!" Eric went to work poking various needles and devices into the test subject. He applied a breather to the man's face, pumping his lungs with a gaseous anesthetic to keep him unconscious. [color=aba000]"Since when did you have a house? I thought you were homeless."[/color] Chike crossed to the other side of the table, handing Eric a syringe. The doctor began extracting a sample of blood. "Since I was twenty-three years old. I bugged out with the essentials when SuperIOR started hunting my colleagues. But, with it being so long, I figured SuperIOR wouldn't look for me here. The place is under a different name and I'm supposed to be dead." Eric took the blood sample and set it to the side, winding up a nearby machine. [color=aba000]"What are you doing?"[/color] Chike asked. "Attempting to extract the serum from his blood. I'll need a deep marrow sample and some spinal fluid if I want a complete picture of what we're working with. But I don't have the equipment for that. So, I'll need to do some shopping on the black market for the required materials to build my own. Until then.." Eric wiped his hands clean with a sigh. "We wait." "Who's the big guy?" Ceri appeared from the top of the stairs, sauntering over to Eric and Chike. [color=aba000]"He calls himself Thune Xavior. He seems to think he's from a parallel universe. He keeps going on about dimensional rifts and magic high councils; probably just crazy. What do you think?"[/color] Ceri looked at him for a moment before turning back around. "He's kinda cute." Chike gave Ceri the dirtiest look he could muster. [color=aba000][i]"On his story."[/i][/color] He growled. "Well, it's certainly within the realm of possibility. But inter-dimensional travel isn't exactly my area of expertise. I'm more of a charms and hexes kind of girl. I'll see if I can pick up any tomes on the subject next time I'm out and about." Ceri stopped speaking. She looked over at Eric, who's eyes were glued to a small television in the corner of the room. "Turn it up." He ordered. Chike grabbed the remote and did so. [quote=Creepy TV Guy]“Well, there is one thing that we, as a human race, can do about this problem. There is a common saying in American colloquialism that goes like this: ‘If you can’t beat them, join them.’ Therefore, I offer you all a gift. A chance to equal the playing field. Our environment is changing and we as a species must adapt with it. Why should these powers be limited to only a select, lucky few?” “Therefore, in 48 hours, a device in Lost Haven will emit an energy dome that will eventually grant superhuman powers upon all those who are within its borders. First Lost Haven will receive this gift, then the Eastern Seaboard, then North America, and finally the entire world! By the end of this week, the entire world shall know what it feels like to be special.” ... “Welcome to the Pax Metahumana.”[/quote] The room was quiet. Eric and Ceri glanced at each other worryingly. "The giraffe man. He is a villain, yes?" Thune asked, breaking the silence. [color=aba000]"Yes, Thune. Yes he is. And I'm going to stop him."[/color] Chike answered. "Perhaps we should discuss this. No need to do anything-" Chike grabbed his AK-47 from one of the shelves in the laboratory, placing it down on the counter. "-hasty. Such as that."