[quote=@shadowsaint007] Jennifer mulled this over. "Sounds like we need a bit more firepower," she replied. "I think I might know a couple of guys. "So let me be honest here," she said, pulling up her sleeve, showing the Brotherhood of Steel emblem tattooed into the skin. "As you might notice, I'm Brotherhood. I'm interested in what the Vault holds. We go in there, I help you retrieve stuff, and in return, I get a pick of the rare technology. If you want, we can share analyzing and studying stuff, but we want a share of the tech. I'll see what I can do to get the BoS to help you stock up your store with whatever's in that Vault; we might even get some extra muscle. "If you can wait a couple days while I get in touch with command, we'll probably get a Paladin to help out. If not, the two of us can probably manage it, though I might get someone closer to help provide fire support." [/quote] "I'd prefer to not have to use them, but we could use their help. There are probably still active robots in there. And if one of them somehow managed to bring V-17 back online, we'll have far more than we can handle, possibly even with their help. There could be hundreds by now."