[center][color=8dc73f][h1]The Boss[/h1][/color][/center] [hr] [i]Vitanza Family meeting hall, 9:00[/i] Lance sat, frowning. On his desk was a newspaper, he was kind of looking at it, but mostly thinking. Around the desk sat the Vitanza retainers, members of other less successful mafia families. On the other end of the table sat Don Ramoni, the leader of most powerful family in Vitanza's clutches, he was a thin man, bald and old, he shaved his head and his face, so he was near smooth skinned, but his wrinkles ruined that effect. Waiting for Lance to speak, Ramoni crossed his arms, frowning out of boredom. Lance slowly placed his hand on the table in front of him, creating a soft patting noise. He sighed, and then spoke. [color=8dc73f]"Well, the other families seem to be very interested in the recent bank robbery."[/color] The bosses around the table remained silent, with one coughing awkwardly. Lance put a finger on his temple and lent back. [color=8dc73f]"Luckily for us, we aren't interested in that."[/color] Lance sniffed and rubbed under his nose. [color=8dc73f]"And I have a power play of my own to make."[/color] Ramoni smirked, covering his smile with his hand, he still looked smug, as usual. [color=8dc73f]"Now, I've spoken with Don Ramoni, and our war against the Telloni family will be won within a fortnight, if that's the case, we will control the east coast of our portion of the docks fully and completely. So, I propose that we make a movement towards the Conduit's territory, into the industrial district on the west coast, then we send them an ultimatum, turn a blind eye, and allow us the rest of the unclaimed area of the docks. And if he denies it..."[/color] Lance smiled psychotically, as did Ramoni. [color=8dc73f]"He will answer to me, mano a mano."[/color] Lance laughed loudly, a father's laugh, almost nurturing, but ruined by the man who let it out. [color=8dc73f]"I'd love to see him fight, probably break a nail punching me."[/color] A nervous laugh went around the table. Lance smiled, turning to the Underboss to his left, Gregory Pollona, a fat wimp, he was fiddling with his fingers and looked incredibly nervous. Pollona gave a nervous smile back, so he wouldn't be arguing, good. Lance turned back to the table, clearing his throat, his facial expression turned sour. [color=8dc73f]"Is it settled?"[/color] The retainers yelled out their agreement. Lance nodded. [color=8dc73f]"It's settled, [i]La morte ai nostri nemici[/i]."[/color] The retainers replied with the same phrase, and the meeting was done, sliding chairs and exhales followed as the others left the room. Remaining alone was Lance, playing with a pen and smiling.