On the stage, Kira watched the chaos the gathering had started to degenerate to. Several of them were doing what people do best. Showing off. She turned to The Warden, who was watching uncaringly, his mask hiding any expression on his face. [color=fff200]"Should we continue? They seem to be growing restless."[/color] He shrugged. [b]"Acting so casually, without a care in the world even though everything they know will soon end. Lord, what fools these mortals can be."[/b] He said. He then nodded. [b]"As you must."[/b] Kira stepped forward as Ark banged his spear on the floor to get everyone's attention. [color=fff200]"Judging by your apparent lack of focus, I believe it is time to get your answers. Leave or stay the choice is yours."[/color] At these words, many in the room got up and left. There were so many, it took several minutes for everybody to leave. Finaly, when it was certain everyone who would leave had left, Ark took a head count. [color=ed1c24]"Ten here, including the three of us, and the two that are conspicuously absent, that makes fifteen."[/color] He said. The Warden sighed. [b]"More than I expected. A good sign or a bad one, which it is remains to be seen."[/b] He, Ark, and Kira walked off the stage and stopped in the middle of the room. [b]"Gather 'round."[/b] He said. When everyone had, he spoke again. [b]Well, you stayed. That makes your brave or foolish, depending on whether you survive or not. Our first mission has already been decided. Follow me."[/b] With that he started towards the door. Kira sighed. [color=fff200]"Aren't you forgetting something?"[/color] She said. The Warden turn around, his visible eye looked thoughtful. [b]"Hmm... gather suckers, excuse me, recruits, brief 'em, and send them into battle....Nope, don't think so."[/b] He said, cheerfuly. [color=ed1c24]"You haven't even told them your name."[/color] Ark rumbled. The Warden placed his fist in his palm. [b]"Thats right, a name. Call me The Warden, or Warden.[/b] He said. [b]"Now lets be off."[/b] He spun on a heel and walked away. Kira pressed her fingers to her forhead. [color=fff200]"That man..."[/color] She muttered. Ark slipped off somewhere. [color=fff200]"Lets talk as we walk, we have a lot of ground to cover. Don't be fooled by his appearnt lack of care, he has put a lot of though and effort into this. Yes, there will be fighting, but Ark and I will be assessing your fighting ability and training those of you who lack it. Our first destination is the foothills of the Death Mountain Range, a place some of you might feel at home at."[/color] She looked at each in turn. [color=fff200]"Any questions?[/color]