[@Letter Bee]. [@Eviledd1984], [@jordy0403], [@AshLady] "I'm doing what the rest of the group is doing. It ain't no fun to leave without any friends. Well, I'd have Tim at least." Albert replies, before Tim butts in: "Actually Albert, I was going to stay here. This city needs folks who'll protect them! And, of course, provide excellent entertainment." "Wha... What? Tim, you and I are best friends, you can't stay here if I leave!" "Albert, I'm sorry, but I'm the hero that Liberty Island needs, but not the one it deserves. If you leave with the rest, then I salute you." With that, Tim taps his hand to his dome in a salute fashion, Albert saluting as well, before both put their hands down. "It was nice knowin' you, pal."