The interruption to the music could not be overlooked; one does not simply [i]stop[/i] a good song, at least not so flippantly. Particularly when said song opened the first non-hostile interaction the interior of the Heroes' Guild Hall had seen since discussion began. Must be a personality trait common to outsiders. He hoped that it was probably for the best. The lack of information thusfar was surprising. Back home, everything that was needed for a mission was organized, intelligence about an area or target passed along fluidly without need for speech. If something changed on the run, a few hand and facial gestures were returned with similar, passing along that which was required to make the mission work. Perhaps his own shortcomings in the regard of communication would be a greater hindrance than earlier anticipated. Regardless, the slender Sheikah wanted to see where this led. So far, he had followed instinct and gut feelings to this place. Ego and pretentiousness of potential colleagues shouldn't keep him from sorting out the riddle to his existence. Holding his arms out wide, violin in hand, he bowed to the Hylian(?) with the harp who had joined him. With graceful reverence for his instrument, the Sheikah youth nestled it into its case and tucked it back away. The group was filing out now, the remaining ones, and he needed to get ready for a long trek. Again. A note of mild irritation crossed his face as he realized that, just an hour after reaching his destination, he needed to pack up and travel. Such was destiny, very likely. At the very least, he was becoming more familiar with the lands around Hyrule firsthand. He hung back, hovering around the mounded table of food. Unsure as to when another opportunity to eat things he didn't kill himself, he hoarded a few choice goodies, preserved or preservable, into his pack and pockets. When fairly sure the group was far enough out, the young man scratched his coat three times, as if signaling. From inside one of his exterior coat pockets, a tiny creature emerged. It was a fairy; a companion commonly associated with the Kokiri. This one kept her light dim, and her clothing dark. Different from most. She stretched her wings and buzzed around the thick, white hair of her charge before settling down on his shoulder. Were one to observe very carefully, one could see her dainty face mouthing words and twisted into an expression of annoyance, as if she were scolding him for something or another. The Shadow Folk merely smiled an infectious, cheerful grin. He shouldered his pack, adjusted his blades, and took up his staff. Smoothly, he moved to follow the group, staying to the rear right flank of the procession. Tactical positioning, observant, maintaining a clean line of sight on three sides while making himself an unlikely first target. The second before he exited the building, however, he made sure to grab the drumstick of a large bird and a fruit pastry. You know, for the road.