Antonio paused and looked up from the newspaper as the gentleman came into the kitchen, normally he had little to no direct contact with the Capo's since his orders came direct from the Don himself, so it took him a few seconds to put name to face. Once he did recognized the man, Antonio snapped his fingers and addressed the man, [i]" Capo Di Lazzaro,Good Morning... I have some information of which might be of interest, my contacts in Havana tell me that American tourism is on the rise, and only expected to grow even more and that many of the local owners of the nightclubs and bordellos are looking for an influx of cash in order to make they're places desirable to visit, its also been said that with the right investor, one or more Casino's could be opened, before the tourist season kicks into full swing and chances are good that an investment could at the least triple in return, I was going to suggest this to the Don...but being a simple gunman such as I am, I think he would be more interested hearing this from a man such as yourself who's knowledgeable in such areas as real estate investment and the like"[/i], Antonino was about to disclose a name of one of his more prominent contacts to Capo Di Lazzaro, when for the second time he was interrupted by the Underboss whom came swaying into the kitchen, exchanged words with the cook, then promptly sit herself between himself and the Capo and proceed to takeover the conversation. Antonino held his tongue, in the old country such things as a woman even being allowed among the Mafioso except for social functions was unheard of or even tolerated, yet here in America they were accepted into the higher echelon of leadership, in fact he had little to no doubt the raven haired vixen sitting next to him had thoughts of being the Boss herself. Antonino smirked to himself as she spoke, a woman such as her and with her looks was meant for the fulfilling of pleasures of Mafia Bosses, and not for being Bosses, were she ever to try and unseat Don Marco as head of the Family, he'd be all to happy to put two .45 slugs in her rather pleasing curvaceous form. He put the newspaper down and continued to listen as she made her proposal.