[h3]Jack Orpheus | Brewing Storm Mission[/h3] [color=steelblue]"Yeah, let's not rush this. Whatever's caused all this could be lurking between us and the survivors"[/color], he reminded. The shadowy presence they saw near entry to this facility immediately came to mind. Them needing to get to the survivors was the perfect scenario for an ambush attack, and considering the presence decided to run instead of attack blindly, this was exactly what they want. Luke's bold suggestion did come to mind something Jack could do... But he would only mention it as an option. [color=steelblue]"I myself can get there almost instantly though, but the problem comes when trying to get back with all the survivors. I can't carry several people and zip everywhere instantly"[/color], that was true. As fast as he was, he can't carry people and maintain that speed. [color=steelblue]"We'll need to advance slowly in formation and cover all our blind spots as a group, if something attacks us, we'll have a much better chance of fighting back"[/color], this was his plan. He didn't like this style of plan, he preferred it if everyone was able to achieve their own objectives to amalgamate to a wrapped up package. He didn't have much experience with this style though but he was familiar with the theory thanks to the classes... This was exactly the kind of approach they should take in his opinion. [color=steelblue]"Is this an agreed course of action? Or does anyone have a better plan?"[/color], his plan was sound. Unlike outside of the facility, they were going into an area that would theoretically from all that had transpired here, be the most dangerous area. Immediately he was thinking of the movie Alien... The atmosphere was just right. [hr] [h3]Varius Gilver | Airship[/h3] Once Varius got to his seat he simply sat there silently minding his own business. The new girl was a little peppy, but not unreasonably so... So she seemed okay to him, and from what he's gathered she didn't think badly of him either. Normally they don't, but meeting Taidan and Kiran for the first time wasn't such a smooth meeting. They wondered why he was always closed off, but it was his disciplined upbringing that was the reason. Back then he rarely spoke more than needed, and now he seems to revel in the same silliness they do from time to time. Those were different times indeed. As the airship took off, the girl Noelle, offered chocolate to the team. He looked to the bar offering. [color=gray]"Buy yourself into the group hm?"[/color], he looked and watched everyone else for a moment. [color=gray]"There is no need, merely prove yourself in battle"[/color], he stated. [color=gray]"But... I won't say no to generosity"[/color], and with that he took a piece. It was a small piece but he sat back and silently consumed it. It wasn't bad, Haven's sweets seemed to be decent. He didn't normally eat sweets, but he would from time to time, maybe once a week.