By the time Rodendramon returned to where Millenniummon had been, after traveling quite some distance from the momentum of the arm's dislodgement, the beast was caught in a concussive blaze. Parisimon Mordred was releasing a violent torrent of flame, while a wave of pure energy, which seemed to defy all logic, was launched from the dragonoid Digimon, of which nothing was certain. As the charred remnants of the abomination fell, the ascended Biomerged Mega dove after them. There was a flicker of driven madness in Rodendramon's eyes as he entered the frothy wake, falling with the defeated horror into the sea. [hr] The water darkened quickly. All that time, the Earth Titan was struggling for control beneath the waves. Disoriented, Rodendramon drifted helplessly downward, barely able to see. Soon, however, the trail of bubbles and desiccated flesh became apparent. With his arms moving in great, scooping arcs, the Mega sought its target. Landing amongst the debris, Rodendramon began slashing and tearing, rending the mangled digital flesh asunder beneath the waves.