Solomon tilted his head to the side as he watched the Violet human untangled herself without moving a muscle. psychokinesis. The Viola clan's hereditary Semblance, so all the pieces point to her being a Viola, now he just needs a first name, if he remembered corrected they already have an Heiress so this woman must be the back up, still, she could be useful for the White Fang to know about especially if their teammates. Once Miss Viola was down from the tree she looked him over and mentioned his height, she didn't sound impressed or any other noticeable emotions behind it, she jut pointed out, better then an insult to his Faunas features, but he still couldn't help but reach his free arm behind the nape of his neck and a reflexive motioned of his natural awkwardness. Miss Viola finally introduced herself as Lelia, and called him a king. He couldn't help but blush softly at the nickname, it was a lot nicer then he was used to from a human and even within the White Fang. And she even BOW at him! He was not used to being treated with such respect it was making him nervous. Solomon was speechless for a moment but he mirrored her actions as he bows to her with a slight bent to his knee and bowing of his head while keeping his weapon from sight. He smiles nervously at he was unsure of the etiquette after bowing, luckily for him he knew he wasn't going to get a handshake from Lelia, the Viola's are adamant about only giving handshakes to certain people AND certain circumstances. What are does he not fully sure, he only knows common knowledge about the Viola family since they are so well known, he be a bad spy if he didn't know the basics of most of the famous families of Remnant. Solomon shifted from feet to feet as Lelia spoke about what to do, but he stiffens when she told him to stand still. Then suddenly she grabbed his tail roughly, he made a high pitched yelping sound as she does and he blushes a deep crimson red while his entire body straighten stiffer from her action. [color=yellow]"What are you doing!?!"[/color] Solomon yelled loudly in shock and embarrassment, he was so shocked that he dropped his weapon down unto the ground while trying to hide his blush from Lelia. [color=yellow]"You don't just grab a person's tail like this!'s rude! It's dehumanizing!... And people may get the wrong idea..."[/color] Solomon rambled on while his blush gotten deeper as she kept holding onto it. He had people tug at his tail before but never had anyone hold it like she was! It's so inappropriate! They just met! [Color=yellow]"...Please let go Lelia..."[/color] [@Volenvradica]