[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/MSMARV_zpso398jjgy.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Carol Danvers[/b][/center] “Hey! Who turned off the gravity?” The Blob yelled as he began to levitate due to Jean’s telekinesis. While the Blob spun in midair, as if he were in the vacuum of space, the Beast rushed up towards where the Blob was floating and leapt up towards him. However, when the Beast crashed into his target, the only thing that happened was the Beast ricocheting off of the Blob’s body. “If you wanted to use my as a trampoline, you should just have asked!” The Blob joked again, even though he was in no position to be of such light character. Meanwhile, as the Blob jested at his own expense, Vanisher had reappeared next to Lorelei and safely escorted her away from the battle via his teleportation powers. While all that was happening, Carol slowly pulled herself out of the shattered remains of what used to be a tree. This was the second time that Carol thought that she should have received a fatal injury when in fact she did not. While crashing down into a tree and causing it to splitter did hurt momentarily, Carol was surprised that she did not have any bruises from the impact, let along broken bones. The better question was how Carol got there. The last thing Carol remembered doing was sitting in the living room as she was finishing up some homework. Her parents had just ran out to Lowes. One of the few times where her parents were not arguing, although Carol knew that something would happen at the store. One second, Carol was working on her homework. The next, she was wearing this ridiculous outfit while being in a body that seemed to be a version of her own body that was a little less than a decade older than her current age. From the corner of her eye, Carol noticed some kind of tiny projectile flying towards herself. With a reflex that she did not even know she had, Carol stood up and snatched out of the air whatever was soaring towards her before it had a chance to strike her torso. Even with her gloves on, Carol could still feel a moist, sliminess in her hands. When she looked down to see what she had caught, Carol realized that she had caught a green tongue. On the other side of the tongue was the Brotherhood member, Toad. “Ay, I usn’t amying four hose!” The Toad tried to plead with Carol, while his pronunciation was inhibited by his extended tongue. “I us owning four oar ed.” [hider=What Toad said]”Hey, I wasn’t aiming for those (i.e. her ‘torso’). I was going for your head (because she stood up).”[/hider] “You’re a pervert.” Carol muttered under her breath before she yanked back on the green tongue and swung it around her head. After a few rotations, Carol released Toad’s tongue, sending him flying towards Avalanche. Right when Toad struck his teammate, Vanisher had appeared to escort the Greek mutant from this losing battle. Since Toad hit Avalanche during the teleportation process, the hunchbacked mutant was transported along with the other two mutants, although they would feel the impact once they reached wherever Vanisher had taken them. Then something struck Carol, metaphorically speaking. What had caused her to do that, to swing some mutant by his [b]tongue[/b]? What was wrong with her? First it appears that she has near invulnerability. Then she somehow has fighting reflexes that she did not use to have. How could this get any weirder? Suddenly, Carol saw a yellow glow arise in the palm of her hand. With each passing moment, the light grew, first being contained in within the crease of her hand, but then encompassing her entire hand. Carol stretched out her hand, pointing her palm out in front of herself so that she could see how this was affecting the back of her hand. However, she instantaneously felt a recoil in her arm. Somehow, Carol had shot a blast of energy that was composed of the same light that had formed around her hand. Unfortunately for her, Carol had accidentally aimed her arm towards one of the X-Men, Jean Grey to be exact. Carol’s face grew so red that the color of her skin would have matched the same hue that was used for the red in her costume. Furthermore, she was so embarrassed at having shot an energy blast at someone whom she assumed was not her enemy, since it was an easy assumption to make that one group of mutants who are attacking the other group of mutants who had attacked Carol were probably not her enemies, that as a result she could not even speak. All she could do was stand there, frozen by her embarrassment.