Greetings folks. I'll be helping Cultural run the roleplay! If he is unavailable for whatever reason, feel free to direct questions to me and I'll either answer them or discuss them with Cultural when he's available. My characters are added to the character tab I see. I do need to edit Queen Lucinda's biography a tad, but it's mostly just changing names and removing one sentence so it's not a big deal. By the way, [@Cuccoruler], we're accepting your characters. We do want you to know that while we very much appreciate these more light hearted and quirky characters (Especially Rida, I look forward to the mother/daughter dynamic between her and Lucinda), we'd like to point out to everyone, not just you, that the tone of this roleplay is quite serious. Just a reminder to everyone that even though we love our fun and games and badass characters, there will be a time and a place for a more somber mood in our story. EDIT: I would also like to apologise now if I'm unavailable for short periods of time over the next few weeks. It is Christmas and what not. We're also expecting a lot of you to be spending times with your family for the holidays.