Avani was surprised that Kasai was silent and seemingly lost in thought as well when they rode out of Republic City. She supposed they both had mixed feelings about leaving, but Kasai had more of a reason to stay so she wondered why she was being silent. She hoped it wasn’t because she’d changed her mind about going on this extended vacation. Perhaps it was just odd to leave her home city with no idea when she’d return, a form of goodbye then. Avani sped up a bit, not wanting to linger any longer in the city than necessary in case someone actually did change her mind. Once they had left the city behind them, Avani felt a lot more comfortable and free. At least her mind could relax, her body was getting sore and tired. No surprise really, but she didn’t want to stop too early for a break either. The further they got from Republic City the better, and the sooner they would be in Ba Sing Se. She felt an increase in motivation to keep driving for a few hours more when Kasai tightened her arms around her and pressed her chest against her back. Suddenly the bags and corners poking her didn’t bother her as much. “That’s certainly comfortable compared to these bags.” Avani said loudly enough to hear in the wind, and smiled. “Why did you ever ride in the sidecar when you make such lovely support for my back…” The last comment wasn’t said as loudly, and in a somewhat jokingly manner. She did think they should have done it this way sooner though. After a few hours nothing felt comfortable anymore, not even Kasai’s chest squished against her back and Avani had to stop the motorcycle. They stopped on the side of the road, some buildings could be seen in the distance around them and they weren’t the only ones traveling this road either. It may not be the best place to take a break, but she’d tried to get them as far as she could in one go. Avani wasn’t sure how much further it was to the earth kingdom, or if they’d already entered it. The border was unclear to her, but she kind of knew how to get to Ba Sing Se at least. It had been a long time since she’d been there though. She stepped off of the motorcycle, stretched and let herself fall into the grass next to the road. “Aw yeah, that’s better.” Avani moaned and stared up into the sky. “I need a moment before we continue. We definitely packed a bit too much, so if you want to throw some things away go ahead.” She joked, then motioned for Kasai to come lay next to her. “Or you could take a break next to me, babe.”