Aulfr twisted his upper body from where he stood to see Aleksandra sticking her head out. At the moment, the majority of his berserkers were standing in a row in front of him, with some of the more promising naturals of the Noxan army practicing against each other behind them. He raised a hand to show that he heard, and turned back to the berserkers. After along pause, where the berserkers stared at Aulfr- most of them were taller than him, notably, despite Aulfr's own size- and he eventually grinned at them. They shifted nervously, unsure of what was going to happen, and knowing that they'd always have to be on their toes. "Free for all, fists only, last man standing, NO INJURIES!" With that, the entire line roared their approval- though not quite as much when he tacked on his no-injuries- and rushed into each other, falling on one another in a mad frenzy. Just a normal day for them. Aulfr turned away from their squabble and strode quickly to the doorway leading into the suite. He slippd out a new key, inserted it, and was inside a moment later, re-locking the door. He waved at Aleksandra to close the window, and preferably lock it, and strode right on in. He made careful note of the five women as he walked, in, all five of them shifting very, very uncomfortably at the ambitious Oberjarlson. And he grinned at them, stepped up to the next one, and offered his hand to her. He knew, already, her name- he had kept tabs on who Aleksandra selected. Karina he helped up first, and when she was on her feet, he greeted her, "Good morning, miss. I've got a lot to handle, so I'll apologize for not knowing your name...?" It took her several breathless seconds for her to manage a small, "Karina." So Aulfr smiled warmly again, and, surprisingly, gave her a warm, welcoming hug- which, based on how much limper Karina got, wasn't that bad, especially for someone who had probably once daydreamed about the handsome Noxan prince. And then he moved on to Natasha, raising her to her feet, apologizing for not knowing her name, and then giving her a welcoming hug, and a whispered, "Welcome to the inner circle." And then right on Levana, and Nalani, and he paused for a moment when he reached the most foreign of them all. And then he raised her to her feet like he did with the others, welcomed her, asked her name, and when he hugged her, he lifted her feet off the ground, and then gently set her back down. Greetings finished, he walked back to the front of them all, and flashed them all a smile, giving Aleksandra a nudge with his elbow, to continue on with what she had in mind. Aulfr had his reasons- he could build some loyalty with all of them, as if they were close friends rather than just him giving orders. They'd have a personal interest in protecting their to-be Oberjarl. That, and they had to learn how to beat up someone that they liked, in addition to beating up scum of the earth and people that they don't give a shit about.