[h2]Luke Schwarz --Oh Okay[/h2] [b]"So death by strangulation, then."[/b] he concluded, as Amy saw fit to do the proposed job for him with her eyesight. [center][i][color=fdc68a]It's different from choking. Namely-- A good choke is much more secure. And doesn't mess around with trying to see fear in the eyes.[/color][/i][/center] Truthfully, though, he did wish he hadn't forgotten she could do that. It would have made for much less of a foot-in-mouth moment on his end, where he'd suddenly found himself suggesting the typical unnaturally bold idea that you'd normally hear come out of someone else's mouth. Even Jack had his head on straighter from the eyes of a contextless third person, albeit with one minor detail astray... [b]"I didn't mean the survivors, that's too far wherever they may be. What I meant was the old man right in front of us. There's no way I'd expect anyone here to scout that far ahead on their own. Myself included. Even I'm not that suicidal."[/b] he clarified stonily. [b]"I was really just suggesting I take a short walk ahead to figure him out, not even leaving eyesight. It's a moot point now, considering somebody has the aforementioned eyesight to get the job done without me straying. Thanks, Amy."[/b]