[center] [img] http://img14.deviantart.net/aaea/i/2011/252/7/5/nosferatu_character_concept_by_belderiver-d49e4v8.png [/img] [/center] [b]Name/Nicknames:[/b] Duela [b]Age:[/b] ???? [b]Appearance:[/b] Flaky, necrotic flesh, deep sunken eyes, and charred tatters for lips; Duela has all the tell-tale signs of a Ghoul. She has a hard, masculine build, with shoulders that posses a firm slope, and an unnaturally stiff posture, yet her broad hips retain a certain feminine flare to them. He patchy clumps of dirty brown hair fall down around her shoulders in messy tangles, and her teeth are jagged and yellow with rot. Her eyes have taken on a sickly pale hue, yet they still retain the passionate fire and stubborn determination that burned within her during her human years. [b]Race:[/b] Ghoul [b]Personality:[/b] Quick-thinking and meticulous, Duela has a cruel cunning, and an even curler witt. She learned, long ago, not to take herself too seriously, but knows when to drop her playful exterior, should the situation demand it. [b]Skills/Attributes:[/b] Highly skilled in various martial arts and different schools of hand-to-hand combat. A master of subterfuge, and as resourceful as they come. [b]Back-story: [/b] Duela's backstory varies depending on who you ask. Some would claim she was a high-ranking scientist in his majesty's government, others that she was SIS's top assassin. All can agree that she had some sort of prominent role in one of the European Commonwealth's secret services, and some would have you believe that she was directly involved in the events which led up to the apocalypse. But those are just rumours! Right..? Wether Duela became a ghoul as a result of radiation from the great war, or if she exposed herself to controlled amounts as a survival technique leading up to the atomic conflict, is unknown, but for whatever reason she ultimately ended up succumbing to ghoulification. Intending to reconnect with a former employer, for reasons that are strictly classified, Duela made her way down to what would become Silvershaw, only to discover that her contact had passed away. Taking pity on the locals, Duela decided to stay and help out with setting up the village, but as days turned into months, then years, then decades, the Ghoul became something of a living legend amongst the community.