[quote=@Letter Bee]"Again, northern part of the city...which is a residential area. So you might want to stop him from scaring some locals." [@shadowsaint007], [@Madly33], [@TheUnknowable], [@Shadowman215] ((Sorry for the one-liner.))[/quote] ((no worries)) "I see. Thank you, Brother." Sparks left the office, and went to find Paladin Zachary Jensen. On the way, she managed to locate where Gabriel was resting, but the news that he had just come back from the raid on the slaver camp and was recovering from his injuries put a damper on his chances of joining the expedition. Better to do without him; it wasn't like a sniper was going to do much good in the tight passageways and corners of a Vault anyways. For now, she had to find Jensen, and hopefully recruit him for the job.