[center][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/18bd77cf1d6764dd030e80410c7f5167/tumblr_nvxztzB0Io1ubea57o1_1280.png [/img][/center] Looking around at the trashed penthouse suite around her, America Chavez tried to put together exactly what had happened. At her feet lay countless unconscious body guards. Among them was the infamous Pusher Man. Thank God that he was out as one more word from him and America wouldn’t have been able to control herself. To his left, sat Quire, who was slouched against the desk massaging his forehead slightly with him fingers. He gave America a short, half-assed smile before she moved on with her eyes. Derek Bishop lay unconscious too, a short distance from the desk. The only noticeable difference between him and the rest seemed to be a deep red cut across the side of his face. That had been the second arrow which Kate had fired. “Oh, Kate…” America murmured to herself as she turned to look at the girl. She sat away from the group by one of the penthouse’s bay windows in silence. America had mixed feelings about the girl. She was skilled, she had to give her that. The girl had just finished her archery session, hence the bow, and boy was she good with that thing. Quentin had quickly telepathically told her during the conflict that archery wasn’t the only thing she was good at. The mutant had read Kate’s mind. Apparently the girl regularly took part in training sessions for a whole range of things, from martial arts, to sword fighting and archery. Again, she was good. However she had been reckless. She would have probably killed her father with that first arrow if America hadn’t had stopped it. America couldn’t exactly blame her for lashing out though. The man had literally admitted to killing her mother. America would probably have done the same. Glancing back towards the numerous unconscious henchmen and the two ring leaders, America began thinking about what to do next. She couldn’t just leave them all hear. They’d just carrying on as normal and continue their mutant growth hormone trade. Nor could she kill them, regardless of how much Pusher Man made her want to. That was when America remembered the card that lay in her pocket. S.H.I.E.L.D. could help. This was totally their kind of thing! She swiftly pulled out the card and glanced at the number before turning towards Quentin. “Hey, Q. You mind…” Before she could continue, the mutant shot her another smile and sprung to his feet. “On it boss.” He said mockingly before grabbing the phone on the desk and began punching in the phone number. America grimaced slightly as he did it. Obviously her psychic defences weren’t as strong as she had thought. Shit. Now however wasn’t the time to worry about that. As Quentin began mouthing off at the S.H.I.E.L.D. secretary on the phone for putting him on hold, America decided it was time to something important. “Hey [i]chica[/i]…” America spoke calmly as she came to sit next to Kate. She was frozen, staring down at the city below through the glass. America, noticing a tear running down the girls face, moved her arm gently, gently wiping it away. “You did good today.” A series of sobs followed from the young girl who burrowed her head into her hands. America wrapped her arms around her. “Don’t worry. It’s going to be ok. Everything is going to be ok.”