[center][img]http://dlp2gfjvaz867.cloudfront.net/product_photos/23518887/silv_400w.jpg[/img] [sup]"Evil knows no light."[/sup] [h3][color=F7C3DF]Quill Young[/color][/h3] 22 | February 14 | 172cm | First Class[/center] [center]--------------[/center] [indent]appearance. [indent][color=CC707B]Quill definitely gives off a cool vibe. She has pale skin and light gray eyes. She looks as if she should be constantly cold. Her face looks young with open eyes, sleek cheeks, and full lips. She wears make-up, usually consisting of simple, light colors of red, pink, blue, or white. She has long, silver hair. Her hair length stretches to her hips. She likes to play with her hair in various lengths and shades, but always likes her natural silver hair color. She stands at 172 centimeters. She has a full figured frame, weighing 130 lbs. She has light freckles that cover her shoulders and upper back. She has a tattoo on her lower back of tribal angel wings. Her attire consists of very feminine clothing when not in uniform, like dresses, skirts, blouses, heels, and handbags. Her coloring choice consists of whites, blacks, pinks, blues, and grays.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]personality. [indent][color=CC707B]Quill, despite her cool exterior, has a warm interior. Though she isn't as talkative as some of the other members of SOLDIER, when she does speak she is friendly, calm, and sincere. Usually, she doesn't show many emotions towards those she doesn't know or trust, appearing as an "ice queen" of sorts (given her coloring choice, this helps cement that image). To those she knows well, they say she is the bright light in a dark room. Rarely, if ever, angered, she prefers to be optimistic in the harshest of circumstances. It would take extreme conditions to break her down and get her to become enraged. Quill is also bright and intuitive. She values knowledge above all else and seeks to explore and learn all there is out there. Due to her inquisitive nature, she actively seeks out new experiences, almost to the point of danger. Even though she doesn't prefer conflict, she won't shy away from a challenge, especially if her friends are threatened or in danger. She remains the positive light the team needs with her medical skills and soothing words.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]biography/background. [indent][color=CC707B]Quill wasn't deprived of anything growing up. Born in an influential family, she didn't want for anything. The only thing she needed to do was to be a perfect daughter, by any means necessary. Forced under strict rules and constantly scrutinized, any act not deemed appropriate by her parents forced Quill into submission and order. She had to dress a certain way, act a certain way, talk and walk a certain way. "Nothing less," screamed her father. Little did Quill know that her parents had plans for their daughter that weren't so perfect. The time came upon her eighteenth birthday. Years of strict servitude made Quill uneasy and depressed. She yearned for any departure from the norm. She remained the loyal daughter to her parents. She remained emotionless, didn't talk back, and did as she was told. Her parents, proud that they formed her to exact specifications, finally showed their hands. Quill was to be sent and married off to some rich man who wanted the "perfectly trained wife." Her parents struggled with funds as the years went by and were promised a hefty sum for Quill's hand. Betrayed by her parents, Quill rebelled and fought back, breaking the man's arm in the struggle and ruining her and her parent's reputation. Angered by the rebellion, her parents forced her out of their home. Quill found sanctuary in an older woman's home, named Leia. Leia was a healer and many came to her for medical needs ranging from broken bones to deep wounds. Quill marveled at the woman's kind nature and healing hand and begged the woman to take her on and train her. Leia accepted and taught Quill all she knew. She didn't skimp on training and worked Quill hard with various methods of training. She also instilled Quills' love of learning new things. "Life is about the journey, not the destination." Leia would always tell Quill that phrase. Eventually, Quill was sought out by SOLDIER to join their forces. Unknown to Quill, even to this day, Leia was the one who suggested Quill join in her place as SOLDIER originally wanted her instead. Confident in her abilities, Quill accepted and joined to help with healing, eventually getting placed as her team's combat medic.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]weapon{s}. [indent][b]Angel Leash[url=http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1NsBwIXXXXXXtXXXXq6xXFXXXU/New-arrival-nine-section-stainless-chain-whip-octagon-stainless-9-section-chain-whip-nine-section-chain.jpg_640x640.jpg]+[/url][/b] [indent][color=CC707B]Quill does some serious damage when she wants to. Quill's weapon of her choice is her whip. Her whip is a long, silver brand with a diamond tipped end for sharp cracks. Combined with acrobatic movements, she can inflict harm from range to up close.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent]skillset. [indent][color=CC707B]Medic Acrobatics Research[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]Ability. [indent][color=CC707B]Quill calls upon a guiding light to shine on her target providing healing and curing them of ailments.[/color][/indent][/indent] [indent]aeon [indent][url=http://community.gtarcade.com/attachments/image/month_1408/20140825_490471408969776.jpg]Lythander[/url] [indent][color=FFFFFF]White[/color]/[color=69D57B]Green[/color] ┊ Protection, Justice, and Life [indent][color=CC707B]Lythander is the "Prince of Healing" and is sought after and looked upon by those in the healing profession. He appears as an angel, to give hope and wonder to those who see him. Lythander is kind-hearted and affectionate, but knows that there needs to be justice in the world and can be strong and fierce when needed. Despite being a healing Aeon, he knows that death is a natural occurrence and helps the passage towards the end be as easy as possible.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent]limit/overdrive. [indent][color=F3BCE6]Angel's Grace[/color] [indent][color=CC707B]Quill's eyes glow bright white and she forms a silver sword in her hand which she smashes into the ground, bolstering her allies' morale and vigor, lending them aid to continue fighting when the situation seems hopeless.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent]