[hider= Plo Koon] [center][h3][b]"I do not believe in chance, commander. I know that if we work together we will stay alive, and someone will find us." ―Plo Koon, to Commander Wolffe at Abregado[/b][/h3][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Plo Koon [b]Species:[/b] Kel Dor [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rank:[/b] Master [b]Personality:[/b] Like many of his kind, Koon had a strong sense of justice. His species tended to see issues in black and white, and favoured what was termed "rough justice", a method of solving Disputes that, to non-Kel Dor, seemed overly retributive and too close to vigilantism. In his youth, Koon's Master Tyvokka said that he was "humble, polite, stubborn and difficult". During the Clone Wars, General Plo Koon developed an affinity for the clone troopers under his command and often stated how their lives meant more to him than completing a mission. For instance, he questioned Sergeant Sinker about why he had no hope of being rescued. When the clone replied that it was because all clones were created to be an expendable product, General Koon firmly stated "not to me" thus showing that he felt a degree of compassion for the clones. [b]Master (If Padawan):[/b]N/a [b]Legion Commanding:[/b] 104th Battalion [b]Clone Commanding Officer: [/b] Commander Wolffe CC-3636 [url=http://www.saberparts.com/#/configure?code=]Lightsaber[/url] [b]Background information:[/b] Native to the planet Dorin, homeworld of the Kel Dor species, Koon was accustomed to breathing in an atmosphere containing little oxygen, forcing him to wear an antiox breath mask when abroad. Born into a family strong in the Force, Koon's own Force-sensitivity was discovered early and he was turned over to the Jedi Order early on in his infancy for training. Like his uncle before him, Koon was trained at the Coruscant Jedi Temple's academy for most of his childhood years, eventually passing the Initiate Trials and becoming eligible to be selected as a Padawan. Selected by the esteemed Jedi High Council member, Jedi Master Tyvokka, Koon had a reputation for making quick and clear distinctions between right and wrong. Often taking swift, decisive action with little or no thought of repercussions; this attitude, combined with Koon's sarcastic wit, often tried the patience of his Jedi Master.Eventually Koon's niece, Sha Koon, was also discovered to be eligible for training and was inducted into the Order. While not shirking the Jedi rules of attachment, they did have a meaningful relationship, sharing insights with each other and forming a strong bond. After years of study with Master Tyvokka, Koon was ready to take the Trials of Knighthood, eventually completing them successfully and being elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight by the High Council.Following his decisive victory over Iaco Stark, Plo Koon was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master and was given a life-time seat on the Jedi High Council in honour of his Master's dying wish. While on the Council, Koon formed a very close friendship with fellow Council member Micah Giiett and went on many adventures with him. Their constant verbal sparring made them appear as rivals, but those close to the two Jedi Masters understood that they were indeed good friends. [/hider]