A Fatboy 1999 edition rolled onto the school grounds, its engine was turned off and sputtered out as it was parked and its kick stand put into place. Its rider a tall teenager with long dark hair wearing a leather jacket with a hoodie over the top of it, a pair of blue jeans and boots as well. He pulled his pack off the back of the bike and walked to the front door, he opened it and walked inside finding the office. He sat down inside and received a shady look from the woman working the front desk, she reached for her telephone and he made out the numbers 9-1-1 being pressed and quickly stood up and walked over to the phone and hung it up. The woman looked at him in fear and he proceeded to explain the situation. "I applied here over the phone," He said his Russian accent somewhat noticeable " Mikhail Arkaden, 17 years old. I believe I gave a description of both myself and my means of transportation." As he said this he gestured to both himself and his motorcycle which could clearly be seen through the window. The woman smiled somewhat embarrassed and apologized, she asked him to excuse her for a moment as she walked into a room labeled Administrator. After a minute or so the woman came out and told him to go inside, as he walked past she gave him a look over once again as he walked inside. He saw a somewhat pudgy man with a goatee glasses and suit reading some file at his desk, he briefly looked up and pointed pen towards a chair on the opposite side of his desk. Mikhail took a seat and stared at the file the man was reading, he eventually made out his name in the file and understood what was happening. The pudgy man was reviewing his record and his previous schooling, he on occasion made a funny face at the paper as though he were unhappy with what it was telling him. Eventually he closed the file and looked up at Mikhail. "Why should I let you in?" The man said, it was clear he didnt intend on letting Mikhail in but Mikhail had a negotiation technique. "My mother worked a good portion of her life to get me here," Mikhail began "I intend on getting into this school one way or the other. Its up to you if you choose the rewarding way or the way where I start a law suit." "Continue," The man said clearly intrigued by Mikhail's little show. Mikhail took his backpack over his shoulder and unzipped it then grabbed it by the bottom of the bag and dumped it onto the table, a waterfull of green paper fell onto the table tied together by rubber bands, some rolled together some in stacks some loose bills. The pudgy man smile faded into a look of pure shock and ecstacy, he noticed Mikhail watching him and attempted to recover his refined persona. "So you want in?" The fat man said skeptically picking up a roll of money, "This might be enough, but you'll need to allow me to take some profit from this. You understand of course? A school administrator makes only so much a year..." Mikhail's smug grin faded and he slammed his fist into the table and looked the man directly into the eyes, "Dont you dare play that card here, This is all the money my mother raised before she died, you know this is well enough to get me into the school and some more for yourself... So if you plan on scamming me think again. I want in and I don't want think you want me to take my money and leave." The fat man looked at Mikhail and then at the money contemplating his next move, he reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a stamper. After moving some of the money aside he found Mikhail's file and opened it once more, he stamped it and the words scrawled across the top were 'Approved' Mikhail smiled and slung his now near empty backpack over his shoulder and walked out. The receptionist looked at him again as he walked out of the mans office and over to her desk. "What can I do for you?" She said in a cheery tone. Mikhail looked at her and she smiled up at him, he began explaining how he needed a class schedule. The woman typed away at her computer ever so often throwing him a smile, he waited for near 30 minutes and in that time went out to check his bike. He walked across the gravel floor and went over to his bike and pulled a picture from his saddle bag and looked at the face of his mother and his own, he remembered this from his 16 birthday when she had bought him the bike. He remembered thinking originally how much work it needed and since that birthday had been working on it, within a year he had it fixed up and only in need of some minor work to finish it to perfection. He smiled and put the picture in his saddle bag once again, he looked up and noticed some preppy guys looking at him 3 of them and two girls with them, the two girls were staring at him while the guys were talking one of the preppy guys looked his way and stopped his group. The guys huddled and conversed while the two girls stood somewhat away from them and watched Mikhail, he looked at the girls and they smiled and turned away from him laughing. Two of the guys turned noticed the girls laughing and looked over at Mikhail with malice in their eyes, the turned towards Mikhail and attempted to look tough. Mikhail dismissed this as he heard the woman from the office tapping on the glass and motioning for him to come inside holding up a sheet of paper. Mikhail walked inside and the woman handed him the sheet, when he took it she smiled and returned to her desk. She went back to typing at her computer and he read his schedule. 1.Pre-Calculus 2. Physics 3. Kick Boxing 4. Mechanics - Lunch 5. United States History 6. Free period. 7. Archery 8. Shop He smiled knowing he had gotten Mechanics, he had intended on it and smiled broadly. He glanced up from his paper and saw the kids from before by his Fatboy and he quickly shoved his schedule into his pocket and ran over to his bike. As he got closer they heard his boots crunching on the gravel below him and two of them turned around. The third was on the other side of his bike and walked around it and in front of Mikhail, he near Mikhail's height if not taller. The boy looked Mikhail in the eyes and Mikhail stared stone faced. "That's a nice bike," the boy said, "I'd like to take it for a ride some day, what do you say?" "I'm sure it'd like to take you for a ride on the asphalt with a rope around your neck," Mikhail said letting his biker mind take over. The boy smiled and turned back to his friends they chuckled and then the boy brought back a fist towards Mikhail. The punch hit Mikhail in the right cheek but wasnt very hard, Mikhail tucked in and rammed the boy to the ground. He threw punch after punch into the boys sides then finally a blow to the face, he raised his hand for another strike but it was held back by one of the other boys while the other boy pulled Mikhail off of the first one. Mikhail tried to pull his arms free but only managed to pull one of them out of the boys' grip, he pulled his left arm inward and brought its elbow back into the nose of the boy that had grabbed his left arm. He fell backwards clutching his face, Mikhail noticed the blood on the elbow of his leather jacket. The other boy let go and put his hands up backing up submissively but this didn't register with Mikhail until after he had already begun his swing, the punch landed on the boys jaw and he fell to the ground on all fours. Mikhail looked at the boys and his bike, an arm was placed on his shoulder and he was pulled back to the school. It was the pudgy man and some other teacher, they pulled him into the main office and sat him down. "Do that again and your out!" The fat man said angrily pointing a finger in Mikhail's face. Mikhail nodded and the fat man let him go outside once more, the boys had teachers helping them up and a woman in a nurses uniform helping the boy with the clearly broken nose. Mikhail noticed one of the security officers was walking towards him, the officer stopped Mikhail and looked him in the eyes. "I'll escort you to class," He said "Before you cause anymore trouble remember, there are consequences my little friend." The officer escorted Mikhail to breakfast and Mikhail picked up a tray of eggs bacon and a muffin, he also pouring himself some cereal then went over to the milk and poured it. He went and sat down and began eating his meal, he hadnt had a decent meal since his first night on the road and that was a good week and a half ago.