[b]Name:[/b] Thomas Pallmyr [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]General Location of Operation (include movement type (True, Born, Rooted)):[/b] True, The Baltic Sea region, preferring the Scandinavian area. [b]Preferred Dialogue Color(please put the color code):[/b] [color=2e3192]2e3192[/color] [b]Height:[/b] 6' 1" [b]Weight:[/b] 165 lbs [b]Appearance(Pictures not required, but appreciated):[/b] Thomas is a tall, sandy blonde man, with vaguely British features. He has a sharp angular face, and short scruffy facial hair. Thomas has long but well muscled arms and legs. His mouth is just the tiniest bit lopsided, and his nose has been broken more than once, giving it a bumpy appearance. He has pale blue eyes that glint impishly on occasion. He is quite pale. [b]General, non-combat, Apparel:[/b] A pale grey shirt and dark blue overcoat, similar to a soldier's uniform, though significantly less complicated. Wears a pair of thick leather boots to protect him from the weather, and the in-fashion tricorn hat, also a dark blue. [b]Armor and Weapons: [/b]When going into a hunt, Thomas dons a Spanish conquistador's breastplate, and a large dark green cloak to allow for blending in. Thomas generally fights with a single, rune-filled (which give it somewhat random magical properties) steel shortsword, though he sometimes chooses an axe, depending on the beast. He carries a crossbow across his back, but only uses it if he has to. [b]Affiliates(Apprentices, Partners, etc.):[/b] Recently graduated apprentice Heinrich Vraubaten, who now serves along the south Baltic Sea coast. [b]Afflictions(If none, don't fill out):[/b] None [b]Likes:[/b] His job, a good beer, well-maintained equipment, ice and snow [b]Dislikes:[/b] His job, dragons, centaurs, bureaucrats, monstrous people (bad people, not half-monsters), Demons [b]Fears:[/b] A mess he can't get himself out of, Fire-Tornados [b]Specialization:[/b] Generally an all-around Knight, but does have a special touch for defeating the truly evil (Grim/Hallowed Knight) [b]Magic (if any):[/b] Blacksense, The Warming (wards off cold temperatures), Lighttouch (a faint light for dark places), Aquarius (creates a small amount of water) [b]History(At least a paragraph, preferably more):[/b] Born and raised in southern Scotland, Thomas was shipped off to Norway originally to train to be a merchant. But, while in Oslo, he was attacked by a feral werebear. After handling the bear as best he could, which turned out to be lucky enough to put the beast to sleep, he was picked up by the Knighthood. He trained first in a boot-camp in the northern Sahara, where he learned his hatred of the heat. He was then paired as an apprentice to Horsch Golvik, who took him back up North to the Polish Baltic. When Thomas graduated at 24, he stayed with Horsch, operating as his partner. While on a raid looking for what were assumed to be two goblins, a high-class Demon attacked and killed Horsch. After dispatching the creature, Thomas departed farther North, trying to escape the memories of his old friend. He slowly worked his way up to greater and greater beasts until achieving his status of today. At the start of our tale he is on the southeastern coast of Sweden.