[B]Name:[/B] Javier "El Tigre Fantomas" Chuvalo [B]Age:[/B] 30s [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Ethnicity/Nationality:[/B] Panamanian [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/64/51/51/645151f24878618b125cf23a424e381c.jpg[/img] [i]Photo of Inmate Javier Chuvalo taken at Presidio Central, Brazil.[/i][/center] [B]Physical Description:[/B] At 6'2", Javier was often described as the charming wolf. The Panamanian has a dark complexion with chiseled facial features, partially covered by a beard that matches his slicked back, raven-colored hair. His athletic build is covered from the neck down in tattoos and scars. His brown eyes are usually kept hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Javier's fashion sense is tastefully simple, if not repetitive. A long fitted camel hair coat over black slacks and shirt with leather gloves is his signature look. [B]Skillset:[/B] [INDENT] -[b]Combat:[/b] Javier never received any formal instruction through some dojo or shooting range. Everything he ever learned was obtained through an extensive network of affiliates during his years with the "los perros de la guerra". This sort of on the job training became refined during his tenure as an enforcer, making Javier a jack of all trades with no preference or specialty. His approach to violence is no-nonsense, cold, and to the point. -[b]Wheelman:[/b] A skill he is most proud of. Before Javier became an enforcer, he was a hot-headed transporter that took on illegal trafficking contracts and heist jobs as a designated getaway driver. -[b]Street-Smart:[/b] From the ragged slums of El Chorillo, Panama, and the Favelas of Brazil, to Cité Soleil in Haiti, Tiraspol of Moldova, and Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania, Russia, (to name a few) you will not find a more well-connected man. He puts his vast connections to work, tracking vampire activity occuring within the criminal underworld. [/INDENT] [B]History[/B] [INDENT] Javier "El Tigre Fantomas" Chuvalo was born a discarded orphan in El Chorillo, Panama. A product of one of the worst slums in the country, the brazen youth ran with a neighborhood gang called Fortaleza at a young age, selling drugs and running guns. He did this for a couple of years until the police cracked down on the gang activity in a massive sting operation. It became an infamous blot in Panamanian history known as The Red Rain Massacre. 40 police officers, 76 suspects, and 61 civilians died in a hellacious gunfight. Javier managed to slip away from the chaos and fled to Costa Rica, until he ended up in Iztapalapa, Mexico City. He was recruited by a Motorcycle Club loosely affiliated with one of the major cartels in Mexico. He spent a good portion of his teenage years as a bottom rung floater until he found his niche as a transporter. Javier did this for five years until he was arrested for possession in Brazil. He was thrown in Presídio Central, a correctional facility in Porto Alegre --- the worst prison in the country. It was overpopulated with rivaling gang members and mentally unstable criminals, all within inhumane living conditions ran by a corrupt system. It was here where he fortified a very important connection by saving the life of Roman Estrada, a pod leader whose ties ran deep with Los Perros De La Guerra, or [i][i]Dogs of War[/i][/i]. Mr. Estrada returned the favor by reaching out to the Dogs of War about finding a way to get Javier out of prison. Within days, Los Perros De La Guerra pulled a few political strings and had the Panamanian released from Presídio Central. This band of ex-militia operated like a cartel, better known for their mercenary work in war torn countries. Luckily, the Dogs of War had no interest in turning Javier into a soldier for hire. After much consideration and a recommendation from Estrada, he became an Enforcer. He was in charge of overseeing the group's vast illegal network, making sure the well-oiled machine stayed well-oiled. His cold-hearted work ethic and shadowy vigilance earned him the nickname: El Tigre Fantomas. Everything ran smoothly under The Phantom Tiger's watch. Los Perros De La Guerra paid him well. Life was good. And then one day he was tasked to investigate a human trafficking operation of an affiliate in Haiti. According to the Dogs of War, the numbers weren't adding up. Javier was ordered to check the books and find out why their Haitian friends weren't turning a profit. He ended up stumbling upon an unspeakable devilry, a brutal incident he hasn't spoken to anyone about to this day. His nine lives were shaved down to one after that night. Somehow, he survived; plucked from hell like when Los Perros De La Guerra plucked him from Presídio Central, but instead of the Dogs of War, it was The Vigil that saved him. Javier wants nothing more than to drive these vampires back to wherever they came from. He wants to make them pay for what their kind did in Haiti. Even if it means wiping their entire species from the face of the earth at the cost of innocent lives. [/INDENT] [B]Psychological Profile:[/B] [INDENT] Quiet, but not shy or reclusive. Flowery words of comfort are not his cup of tea, but he does enjoy good banter every now and then. He has PTSD as a result from his experience in Haiti. It affects him significantly, but due to his machismo, Javier pridefully declines therapy or treatment for his condition. With the exception of the events that transpired in Haiti, the Panamanian is an open book. He could care less about people's perception of him and his past life as a criminal, but he also doesn't take pride in the things he's done. With The Vigil, Javier is a fish out of water. Despite how forthcoming they've been, he's been very reluctant to trust anyone. Because of this, Javier projects himself in a way that seems forced, as if he's doing so to observe people's reactions --- to see if he can manipulate them, or prevent the vice versa from happening to him. [/INDENT] [B]Modifications:[/B] [list][*][b]Communications suite, HUD and neural-computer, all standard issue[/b] – Vigil agents are able to text by thinking it among each other on a heavily encrypted wireless network. In fact, the computer works off brain impulses and is easily one of the most sophisticated and useful implants they have; what's more, its capabilities have yet to be fully exploited. The downside of this implant is that it includes a cortex bomb with an anti-tampering device. A captured agent can set it off, destroying the hardware inside, or a signal from control can do the same. This is to prevent the enemy from learning the capabilities of implanted agents. [*] Internal air supply and aerial toxin filter -- this also has the added advantage of making the agent immune to vampire pheromones, as some types of vampires are known to use this to seduce their prey. [*] [b]Blood/liquid toxin filter[/b] -- the obvious is at work here -- vampires use their blood as a means of controlling mortals, and this system (and everyone, even non field agents, in the Vigil organization have this implant) screens out one of most subtle weapons a vampire has, rendering them functionally immune to being controlled through ingested blood the way mortal thralls of a vampire might be. [*] [b]Eye augmentation[/b]; a HUD showing all sorts of system data, such as the status of implants, as well as allowing for low-light and ultra-sound modes of vision, the latter being thought to be more effective than thermographics when dealing with vampires, who tend to run cold if they haven't fed lately. [*] [b]Persylvian Cortex implant:[/b] Allows for multilingualism with adaptability to any dialect, enabling Javier to understand and fluently speak most languages, including the slang words associated with them. [/list] [B]Equipment:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Mimetic Camouflage[/b] (Predator) coat, though this is designed to look more like a trenchcoat -- no doubt some project engineer with a penchant for the dramatic, or an interest in fashion design. The coat is actually stylish, which serves a dual purpose as vampires tend to dress stylishly and surround themselves with the stylishly dressed. This allows Vigil agents one more edge. Of course, they call it the Predator Coat. Because the engineers are geeks. (This is a standard issue Vigil item) [*] [b]Modular, caseless assault rifle/carbine[/b]. Bullpup, caseless ammunition, synched with existing implants and capable of mounting a variety of accessories including a 25mm grenade launcher whose munitions range from conventional high explosive to nano-guided scattered mines. It also syncs with HUD implants for improved accuracy in a mechanism similar to a bluetooth link. The trigger is electric and the weapon includes a biometric security system; anyone but someone authorized to handle it and it will blow; that is a standard feature on most any weapon the Vigil has in service with its teams. (This is a standard issue Vigil item) [*][b][b] A number of electronic accessories[/b][/b], including a PDA tablet and other items to assist in making physical connection with computer equipment. (This is a standard issue Vigil item) [*] [b]Grenades, mostly white phosphorus[/b]. The organization has designed a 'grenade' that involves a strobing UV light that damages vampires -- it is known as 'the disco ball'. [*] [b]Damascus Hunting Knife[/b] -- The one thing that kept him alive during his hell in Haiti. He has not parted with it since. [/list]