[hr] [center][h2][color=F0E68C]Aleksandr[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Alek took the club pass and looked it over carefully. 316, huh? Well, whomever this guy was, he noticed the hit on the Bank of Vale. It was an in. To what, exactly, Alek had no idea. Still, an attractive lady offering him a pass to a nightclub? Nice. Listening to her some more, while unabashedly following her curves with his eyes, he finally made up his opinion on the situation. Clever, attractive, and there for him specifically? He was sold, and although he wasn't going to get taken in, like some blind fool, he was going to enjoy himself. Letting her kiss him, and do whatever else, he still stayed aware of the situation. He stayed wary. [hr] When they were done, he went into the street, and called a taxi. Opening the door for her, he entered, and, staring at her, even now, said, [color=F0E68C]"So who is your boss? I would like to know what to expect from a guy who sent such a... practiced individual."[/color] Despite the answer, he would continue to talk to her, and appreciate the view. When they arrived at the nightclub, he would get out, and open her door as well. The gesture might be wasted on such a woman, he thought, but there was no need to be impolite. When they entered the nightclub, he [i]felt[/i] the music pulse through him, reverberating through his lungs and making his heart beat faster. This place was... [i]alive.[/i] Glancing around, he failed to see any obvious signs of the VIP suite, so he held out his hand to the woman, and said, [color=F0E68C]"Lead the way. I can't find your boss on my own, by the way."[/color] Almost as an afterthought, he said, looking at the woman, [color=F0E68C]"And what's your name? I didn't quite catch it at first."[/color] Pushing a coked-up raver to the side, he followed the woman to her elusive 'boss'.