[quote=@Feisty-Pants] Showing off? Psh. I try to remain humble if anything! Being not-dead is quite nice! A secret you say? What is the plan? Feel free to PM me! Ellie is very much one to spend exorbent amounts of time in the Library. XD [/quote] One can be humble and still boast of new records in posting speed to a friend... As for the secret/plan, a summary; the significant dead NPC, by the name of Amy Snow (Ellie might know her, I think she was a Junior?), had part of her powers activate after her death, and using those she revealed to each of the PCs a "secret", some factoid about the Academy itself that contributes to the mystery, which Kirah PM'd to everybody. For example, Stella's was "There are books in the library that shouldn't logically be there" and Tobias's was "The building's age is far more ancient than it should be for a school founded in XXXX" (picked those two because I know for certain off the top of my head that we've mentioned both of them in posts, in case anybody is keeping their secret, well, SECRET for suspense).