[img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/1ebf/f/2012/294/0/8/08f27ce567d5efe66d36ce8a816b8d7c-d5ihdax.jpg[/img] My presence is a present! Hello, Super here! Well, you can call me Super or Duper. Just dropping a line to introduce myself. I do hope to get to know and befriend some of you. Perhaps create this lovely bond that is being partners in [s]crime[/s] roleplay. I would consider myself to range in the mid/higher casual-advanced bracket, should anyone care. I have a number of interest outside of Roleplay, involving music, sports, media, etc. so feel free to hit me up just to chat. As far as Roleplaying goes, I have interest in a few fandoms and a plethora or original ideas. Currently, I crave Naruto! I read a suggestion of a more in depth take on it, like creating original teams and/or villains within the canon verse. So I'm definitely up for that. Any who! Stop by and say hi!