Shadar first impression of the queen was that she was a beautiful subject and definitely a model to capture later when he found the time to draw again. As she greeted then, he was impressed by his easily she held her composure upon the sight of himself and Sir Mauls, as most noble face at least some reaction when faced with such . . . oddities. [i]Maybe the lords and ladies of these northern lands are just built tougher than those in Jasi. Would be too surprising, actually, as all the Jasinian nobility is good at is backstabbing, stealing credit, and calling for assassinations.[/i] Shadar chuckles to himself, his body moving on auto-pilot as he tuned out the world around him, only keeping a base awareness if the general situation. When they arrived at the home of who could only be the H'klen ambassador, if Joy's response was anything to go by, he could only help but shake his head in pity. The man was either dead by sunset or I. His way to a very uncomfortable tenure as the Barcean whipping boy for everything that's about to go down in the world. They soon arrived at the Castle, and after an amusing bit of dialogue with the servants, were given audience to a small dud us soon between the two royal siblings, only to be directly addressed shortly after to give their take if the events. A useless venture, to be truthful, as none of them had really seen what happened, just ventured upon it by the purest of chance. None to eager to take the first step, the talk figure waited die another to go, and eventually the small girl who seemed to be aquatinted with the animal tamer spoke up, seeming to still be rather shaken by the ordeal. Upon hearing that she was a fortune teller, Shadar couldn't help but let out a harsh bark of laughter, letting it be very well-known what his thought of such claims were. After the 'fortune teller' had spoken, he decided to speak next, if to just get it over with. "I. . . must ask if I can give my answer another time or in private your majesty, because amongst others, I'd find it impossible to give you a truthful account and would be forced to lie, and considering what others here might say, that lie would have little chance of fooling you." Shadar had spent all of his life trying to keep people from figuring out his originsm, same went for Drosil, do he wasn't about to speak of it to a bunch of strangers and very guard with in range of hearing, but he also wasn't about to tell a bond face lie to the leader of a country about to go to war either. That was a danger game to play, and not worth the risk