The year is 2028, and the way war is waged has changed drastically. After the terrorist attacks on Paris in 2015, the world began turning to PMCs to provide the extra protection a beleaguered host of national armies was sorely becoming unable to provide. While PMCs gained repute and increased incomes, research firms were benefiting from the increased demands for new weapons and tech. One firm in particular, who'd been known for cutting edge weaponry and combat technology, was Weyland Industries. They even began doing research into suspected Xenobiological activity to find it's source. In the year 2017, they came across a temple of some kind in the Amazon while one of their research teams was investigating strange sightings and disappearances. Upon entering the temple, they found preserved specimens of two alien species, one that they dubbed the Xenomorph and the other one that had had sightings in a CIA black ops mission in Guatemala and during the 1997 Gang Wars in LA, that the survivors called the Predator. However, a couple of hours after entrance to the temple was achieved, the research and security teams went dark and several Predator ships appeared. Several more teams of researchers and security were deployed and it was discovered that the Xenomorphs were no longer in a stasis like state and were active. For three years, containment teams and procedures were enacted to contain both the Xenos and, as it was discovered they were called, the Yautja. Final containment teams included cloned Xenos and Predators in the containment efforts, culminating in the containment of three Xeno colonies for continued study with the rest destroyed and the eventual defeat of the naturally born Predators still on Earth, forcing them off world. Eventually, it was successful and Weyland had all the data and samples they needed to begin selling the clones. By 2021, the US Army had employed three ET Special Forces units in the war against the Islamic State, and had removed their leaders, effectively shutting down the terrorist organization in months. Each unit consisted of a standard fireteam, two Predator clones and three Xeno clones, the clones "imprinted" to treat the Fire Team Leader and his or her second as the Alpha and Betas in the Xeno's case, and the Clan Leaders in the case of the Predators. They are mentally conditioned to be loyal to the Fire Team and only attack targets that are clearly hostile to their leader. The Xenos also have sub-dermal control collars just in case. You are a member of a veteran fire team within the US army, your team and clones having been together since 2025. You all know and trust each other, or respect in the case of the clones, but you all are beginning to get a sense that something isn't right when your orders start to become questionable. [hr] Welcome to AaP: A New Dawn! In this roleplay you can be a human, Xeno, or Predator, but there is a limit per squad. Your squad name will be Raiden Squad, because you get sent in first and fast. Of course, you know the rules (no god modding, Mary Sues, Gary Stues, etc). If you have an issue with another player, take it to PM. If the two of you can't get it resolved, then involve a GM to moderate so you don't both leave the RP. We're here for a good time, not to debate which is the better race, weapon, etc, etc. [hider=Human App] Name: Rank: (Use US army ranks) Age: Armament: Appearance: Personality: Ethnicity(Optional): Home Town/State:[/hider] [hider=Xeno App] Name: (Something pet-ish most likely) Size: Breed(Warrior, Drone, Runner):[/hider] [hider=Predator] Name: (Names can be Tribal or animal based) Height: Armament: (Link to the weapons and gear: Armor abilities: Armor Appearance:[/hider] I will be picking co-GMs after we get our characters set up. Currently only one squad until we get more players. [center][h2]Available Slots[/h2][/center] 3 of 4 Human, One taken 2 of 3 Predator, One taken 0 of 3 Xeno, all slots filled