“It’s okay, Dad, go. I’m a big girl, and we like living so close to the school for a reason,” Alice sighed, holding the door open for her father. James Conway looked the part of a business man, making his daughter wonder for the hundredth time why he had to be at work practically ten hours a day if he was a supervisor. Watching people work shouldn’t be that hard, and yet he came home so exhausted, grateful his daughter had learned how to cook dinner over the years. Oor at least order take-out when needed. “I know it’s a short walk, but it’s raining,” James groaned, having to speak over the splatter of water falling from the roof onto the front porch steps. “I promise we’ll go car shopping soon, okay?” He’d promised her one over the summer since her grades had been so satisfactory junior year, but he never did get to it. “Dad. It’s fine, I like walking. Man made hoodies and jackets for a reason,” she grinned, waving him out the door. He had suitcase in hand and was ready to go. “You’re late.” “I know, I know…bye Alessia,” he muttered, giving her a small nod before rushing out the door, leaving Alice alone with her thoughts and need to get ready herself. While her dad did a good enough job as a parent, neither had never been much for ‘I love yous’ or hugs, kisses. It was just the way things were. Alice shut the door and went upstairs and showered, getting ready in her usual hour long ritual. She left her hair down for the day, dressing in dark jeans, pink rainboots, and a loose green tanktop with a jacket over top. It wasn’t the first day of school at East High, it was actually the [i]second[/i], but since she’d been getting over a cold the day before her dad had made her stay home. Well, that was her excuse, anyway. Honestly Alice had been having trouble keeping her mental shields up, and wasn’t sure if she could take the rush of emotions that would fill the school hallways on the first day. Everyone was either excited or angry to be there, and if she wasn’t on top of her game it could get overwhelming. Today, however, Alice was ready to take on the world…or at least her classes. With one last run to the kitchen to grab a breakfast bar Alessia went outside, thankful for her boots as soon as her footsteps splashed in the first puddle. It was only a few blocks, but still she walked as quickly as she could without looking like what she thought to be an idiot. Soon enough she reached the school grounds, looking up at the large brick building. Everyone was running from either the sidewalk or parking lot, careful to not slip on the wet tile floor just within the glass doors. Hopefully it would let up before they all left for the day.